
Just like most software, Breath of the Wild requires non-executable content files to work correctly. They are stored in the title content directory on Wii U and in the romfs on Switch.

To minimise loading times, files that are frequently loaded together or at the same time are packed into SARC archives. Because of this optimisation, a significant amount of game files are located within archives. Some files may also be present in more than a single archive with the same canonical resource name.



This directory is found in the unpacked content files, Bootup.pack, TitleBG.pack, actor packs, event packs, and dungeon packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Actor".

In the add-on content, it is found in dungeon packs.

The Actor directory contains files defining the actor objects that populate the game world (e.g. enemies, buildings, NPCs). It also includes configuration files for the actor and AI system.


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "AnimationDrivenSpeed".

AnimationDrivenSpeed contains configuration files for animation speeds for NPCs and animals.


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Awareness".

Awareness contains configuration files for the awareness system.


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack and event packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Camera".

Camera contains camera animation files for in-game demos (cutscenes).


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Chemical".

Chemical contains the configuration file for the chemical system.


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Cooking".

Cooking contains the configuration file for the cooking system.


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "DamageParam".

Contains DamageReactionTable.bxml. Related to, but not to be confused with bdmgparam.


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack and event packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Demo".

Demo contains configuration files for in-game demos (cutscenes).


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Ecosystem".

Ecosystem contains configuration files for game areas and for the Placement and AutoPlacement systems (which statically or dynamically spawn actors).


This directory is found in the unpacked content files, Bootup.pack, TitleBG.pack and event packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Effect".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "ELink2".

Contains the EffectLink effect database.


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Env".

Contains Env.sgenvb.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files, Bootup.pack and TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Event".

Event contains event packs, information about events and configuration files for the event manager.


This directory is found in Bootup.pack, TitleBG.pack and event packs.

Its canonical resource path is "EventFlow".

EventFlow contains event flow files: event flowcharts (bfevfl) and timelines (bfevtm).


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Font".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Game".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "GameData".

GameData contains configuration files for GameDataMgr and SaveMgr.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files, Title.pack and Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Layout".

Layout contains UI layout archive files. These are used to store UI files (layouts, animations and images). Their file extension is blarc.


This directory is found in in the unpacked content files (Wii U version only).

Its canonical resource path is "Local".

Local appears to be a development remnant. It is unused in release versions and is not present at all on Switch.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files, Bootup.pack and TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Map/".

If the DLC is installed, this directory can be found in the unpacked content files, AocMainField.pack, dungeon packs, and shrine packs in the add-on content directory. Its canonical path is "Aoc/0010/Map/".

The Map directory contains files that define the game's overworld and dungeon layout.


This directory is found in region and language-specific bootup packs (e.g. Bootup_USen.pack).

Its canonical resource path is "Message".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Mii".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files, TitleBG.pack and event packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Model".

In the add-on content, it is found in dungeon packs (see Content/Pack).


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Movie".

In the add-on content, it is found in _.

The Movie directory contains video files for prerendered cutscenes or demos.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "NavMesh".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Pack".

In the add-on content, it is found in _.

Pack contains SARC archives with the .pack extension. Essential packs like TitleBG and Bootup are stored there.


Physics contains configuration files and Havok binary packfiles for the Havok physics engine.


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Quest".

Quest contains the configuration file (QuestProduct.bquestpack) for the quest manager.


This directory is found in Bootup_Graphics.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Shader".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "SLink2".

Contains the SoundLink sound database.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files, Bootup.pack, TitleBG.pack and event packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Sound".

In the add-on content, it is found in _.




This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Tips".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files and Bootup.pack.

UI mostly contains images (memory and compendium pictures, item images, map tiles) and UI map information.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Voice".

In the add-on content, it is found in _.


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "WorldMgr".

Contains the file normal.bwinfo which is used to configure the world's lighting and climates.