Dungeon pack

A dungeon pack is a SARC archive that contains resource files for dungeons: shrines, Divine Beasts and the Final Trial.



This directory is found in the unpacked content files, Bootup.pack, TitleBG.pack, actor packs, event packs, and dungeon packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Actor".

In the add-on content, it is found in dungeon packs.

The Actor directory contains files defining the actor objects that populate the game world (e.g. enemies, buildings, NPCs). It also includes configuration files for the actor and AI system.

Dungeon packs only include actor packs for actors that are exclusively used in a dungeon (typically dungeon merged parts actors for shrines).


This directory is found in the unpacked content files, Bootup.pack and TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Map/".

If the DLC is installed, this directory can be found in the unpacked content files, AocMainField.pack, dungeon packs, and shrine packs in the add-on content directory. Its canonical path is "Aoc/0010/Map/".

The Map directory contains files that define the game's overworld and dungeon layout.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files, TitleBG.pack and event packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Model".

In the add-on content, it is found in dungeon packs (see Content/Pack).

Dungeon packs only include bfres files for actors that are exclusively used in a dungeon.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "NavMesh".


Physics contains configuration files and Havok binary packfiles for the Havok physics engine.

Dungeon packs only contain static compound collision files.

List of dungeon packs

  • Dungeon000.pack to Dungeon119.pack (regular shrines)
  • Dungeon120.pack to Dungeon136.pack (Add-on content shrines)
  • RemainsElectric.pack (Vah Naboris)
  • RemainsFire.pack (Vah Rudania)
  • RemainsWater.pack (Vah Ruta)
  • RemainsWind.pack (Vah Medoh)
  • FinalTrial.pack (Final Trial)