
Revision as of 23:59, 6 September 2018 by imported>BravelyPeculiar

Template:Canonical resource path notice

Just like most software, Breath of the Wild requires non-executable content files to work correctly. They are stored in the title content directory on Wii U and in the romfs on Switch.

To minimise loading times, files that are frequently loaded together or at the same time are packed into SARC archives. Because of this optimisation, a significant amount of game files are located within archives. Some files may also be present in more than a single archive with the same canonical resource name.



This directory is found in the base content files, Bootup.pack, TitleBG.pack, and various bactorpack archives.

Its canonical resource path is "Actor".

The Actor directory contains files defining the actor objects that populate the game world (e.g. enemies, buildings, NPCs).

In the base content version, it contains ActorInfo.product.sbyml, which contains various info about all the game's actors (including the stats that are displayed on the inventory screen for weapons and armors).

In the base content, Bootup.pack and TitleBG.pack versions, it contains the Pack folder, which contains the bactorpack archives defininng each individual actor.

In the Bootup.pack version, it includes Dummy files which serve as templates for the various AAMP actor parameter files. It also includes configuration files for the actor and AI system:


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack and various beventpack archives.

Its canonical resource path is "AnimationDrivenSpeed".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Awareness".


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack and various beventpack archives..

Its canonical resource path is "Camera".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Chemical".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Cooking".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "DamageParam".


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack and various beventpack archives.

Its canonical resource path is "Demo".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Ecosystem".


This directory is found in the base content files, Bootup.pack, TitleBG.pack, and various beventpack archives..

Its canonical resource path is "Effect".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "ELink2".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Env".


This directory is found in the base content files, Bootup.pack, and TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Event".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack and various beventpack archives.

Its canonical resource path is "EventFlow".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Font".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Game".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "GameData".


This directory is found in the base content files and Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Layout".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Local".


This directory is found in the base content files, Bootup.pack, and TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Map".


This directory is found in language-specific text packs (Bootup_XXxx.pack).

Its canonical resource path is "Message".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Mii".


This directory is found in the base content files, TitleBG.pack, and various beventpack archives..

Its canonical resource path is "Model".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Movie".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "NavMesh".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Pack".


This directory is found in the base content files, Bootup.pack, and various bactorpack archives.

Its canonical resource path is "Physics".


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Quest".


This directory is found in Bootup_Graphics.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Shader".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "SLink2".


This directory is found in the base content files, Bootup.pack, TitleBG.pack, and various beventpack archives..

Its canonical resource path is "Sound".


This directory is found in the base content files and Bootup.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "System".


This directory is found in the base content files and TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "Terrain".


This directory is found in Bootup.pack.


This directory is found in the base content files and Bootup.pack.


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Voice".


This directory is found in TitleBG.pack.

Its canonical resource path is "WorldMgr".