Actor tag
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An actor tag is an arbitrary string identifier that is used to group actors, which can receive an arbitrary number of tags.
Tags are specified in bxml. ActorInfo.product.sbyml contains a copy of tag information (hashed) to speed up tag lookups in some cases. In general, tags are queried by the executable by CRC32 hash and not by name.
Name | Description | List of actors |
AcceptSilentKill | Allows Link to instantly kill the enemy via a stealth attack | Actors
ActorSyncStyleSiteBoss | - | Actors
AddMultiActionBufIfNoAssignment | - | Actors
AffectBeastGanon | ?[check] Adds damage bonus to a bow, weapon, or shield against Ganon's forms | Actors
AirBaseLodParent | - | Actors
AirOcta | - | Actors
AllRadarActor | - | Actors
AlwaysResetAtSystemReset | - | Actors
AlwaysTurnActor | - | Actors
AmiiboArmorItem | - | Actors
AmiiboFitGround | Marks the item as something that should apper on the ground instead of in the air when an Amiibo is scanned | Actors
AmiiboNoDrop2ndTouch | Marks the item as unable to appear the second time an Amiibo is scanned | Actors
AmiiboNoDrop3rdTouch | Marks the item as unable to appear the third time an Amiibo is scanned | Actors
AmiiboNoDropBeginning | Marks the item as unable to appear the first time an Amiibo is scanned | Actors
AmiiboOnlyDropBeginning | Marks the item as only being able to drop the first time an Amiibo is scanned | Actors
AmiiboTreasure | Marks an item as capable of appearing in an Amiibo drop | Actors
AncientGuardTarget | - | Actors
AncientWeapon | Ancient weapon. Causes the ancient attack multiplier (ArmorAncientAttackRate) or the Ancient Proficiency attack multiplier (ArmorCompAncientAttackRate) to be applied. Ancient Proficiency takes priority. | Actors
AnimalTypeBear | - | Actors
AnimalTypeDomestic | - | Actors
AnimalTypeWolf | Marks the animal as a wolf | Actors
AppendUniqueNameToEntryPointName | Append actor's UniqueName to event entry point name (e.g. RememberTag with an unique name of XXXXX -> Talk_XXXXX) | Actors
ApplyDeluxeGetDemo | [GetDemo] Use "Deluxe" (TP style "Small Item Get") sound | Actors
ApplyHighGradeGetDemo | [GetDemo] Use "High Grade" (OoT/TP style "Item Get") sound | Actors
ArmorDye | Dyeable armor | Actors
Arrow | Marks the actor as an arrow | Actors
AttackedNPC | - | Actors
AutoCliffMaterial | - | Actors
AutoCliffMaterialSet | - | Actors
AutoCreateFarActor | - | Actors
AutoGenAroundMightyTree | - | Actors
AutoGenAroundShrub | - | Actors
AutoGenExcludePlain | - | Actors
AutoGenExcludeShade | - | Actors
AutoGenExcludeWaterFront | - | Actors
AutoGenFlat | - | Actors
AutoGenFlatAndTurf | - | Actors
AutoGenFlatSurface | - | Actors
AutoGenForbiddenHeavySlope | - | Actors
AutoGenForest | - | Actors
AutoGenGrassAndTurfEdge | - | Actors
AutoGenGrassLong | - | Actors
AutoGenGrassShort | - | Actors
AutoGenGrove | - | Actors
AutoGenLimitExcludeGrit | - | Actors
AutoGenLimitExcludeShade | - | Actors
AutoGenLimitExcludeSnow | - | Actors
AutoGenLimitGrassLong | - | Actors
AutoGenLimitGrassShort | - | Actors
AutoGenLimitShade | - | Actors
AutoGenLimitSnow | - | Actors
AutoGenLimitTurf | - | Actors
AutoGenObjectEdgeAdd | - | Actors
AutoGenObjectEdgeMulti | - | Actors
AutoGenOrnamentalFlower | - | Actors
AutoGenPlain | - | Actors
AutoGenReplaceSet | - | Actors
AutoGenSand | - | Actors
AutoGenShade | - | Actors
AutoGenTurf | - | Actors
AutoGenWaterDistanceAndDeadwoordNeighbor | - | Actors
AutoGenWaterDistanceBottom | - | Actors
AutoGenWaterDistanceLand | - | Actors
AutoGenWaterFlow | - | Actors
AutoGenWaterFlowNone | - | Actors
AutoGenWaterFront | - | Actors
AutoGenWaterSurface | - | Actors
AutoGenWoodRoot | - | Actors
AutoPlacementForbidCreate | - | Actors
AutoPlacementMaterial | - | Actors
AutoRuinMaterialBurn | - | Actors
AutoRuinMaterialStone | - | Actors
AutoRuinMaterialWood | - | Actors
AwarenessEnemySearchTarget | - | Actors
BeeTarget | Sets the enemy as a possible target for bees to attack if they disturb the beehive | Actors
BlockBoomerang | Boomerangs will collide with this actor | Actors
BoneWeapon | Bone weapon. Causes the bone attack multiplier to be applied (see ArmorCompBoneAttackRate) | Actors
CalcAISkipOnPhysPause | - | Actors
CanBalloonParasite | Allows Octo Balloons to be connected to and lift the actor | Actors
CanBreakIceMakerBlock | Allows the weapon or damage source to break Cryonis blocks on hit | Actors
CanBreakRemoteBomb | Allows the weapon or damage source to detonate remote bombs on hit | Actors
CanConnectMagneGear | - | Actors
CanEquip | Marks the actor as able to be equipped | Actors
CanFly | Marks the NPC as being capable of flight | Actors
CanGetCollectSet | - | Actors
CanGetImportantItem | - | Actors
CanGetPouch | - | Actors
CanLift | - | Actors
CanPullOutGiantObject | - | Actors
CanPush | Allows Link to push the actor like it's a heavy box or shrine orb | Actors
CanPushUpward | - | Actors
CanRidden | Marks the actor as ridable | Actors
CanStack | Makes the item stackable | Actors
CanUse | ?[check] Marks the item as usable within the pause menu | Actors
CancelIceMaker | - | Actors
CancelIceMakerWithSwimMode | - | Actors
CannotSell | Marks the item as unsellable | Actors
CannotTouchIceMakerBlock | ?[check] Disables collision between the actor and Cryonis blocks | Actors
CantPut | - | Actors
ChangeBoots | - | Actors
CheckBirdSafetyArea | - | Actors
ContactCantSave | - | Actors
CookBizarre | - | Actors
CookDish | - | Actors
CookEMedicine | - | Actors
CookEffectName | - | Actors
CookEnemy | - | Actors
CookFailure | - | Actors
CookFish | - | Actors
CookFruit | - | Actors
CookInsect | - | Actors
CookLowPrice | - | Actors
CookMaterial | Marks the actor as a valid cooking ingredient | Actors
CookMeat | - | Actors
CookMushroom | - | Actors
CookOre | - | Actors
CookPlant | - | Actors
CookResult | - | Actors
CookSkewer | - | Actors
CookSpice | - | Actors
CookValue1 | - | Actors
CoolWeapon | Causes the weapon to cool Link if he has it equipped | Actors
CreateFromBranchLocatorRandom | - | Actors
CreateFromOnTreeLocator | - | Actors
CreateFromOnTreeLocatorRandom | - | Actors
CreateFromTrunkLocatorRandom | - | Actors
CreateFromTrunkOrGlowStoneLocator | - | Actors
CureItem | - | Actors
DeadTree | - | Actors
DeleteHitArrow | - | Actors
DemoSpecialActor | - | Actors
DisableAreaCulling | - | Actors
DisableCreateLodModel | - | Actors
DisableDgnRotMoveFollow | - | Actors
DisableFlashback | - | Actors
DisableForbidPushJob | - | Actors
DisableHideNonDemoMember | - | Actors
DisableMessageDialogName | - | Actors
DisableRegisterVillagerMgr | - | Actors
DisableResidentUnit | - | Actors
DisableUseLodModel | - | Actors
Door | - | Actors
DoubleDoor | - | Actors
DrinkItem | - | Actors
EatItem | - | Actors
EffectiveAncientArrow | - | Actors
EnableForbidPushJob | - | Actors
EnableRemainsScene | - | Actors
EnemyConstantBind | - | Actors
EnemyFortressMgr | - | Actors
EnemyHide | - | Actors
EnemyHornTarget | - | Actors
EnemyHuge | Marks the enemy as large in size (effect, if any, unknown) | Actors
EnemyMaterial | - | Actors
EnemyMidsize | Marks the enemy as midsize (effect, if any, unknown) | Actors
EnemyNoStrikeLightning | Lightning will never strike the enemy even if they are holding metal | Actors
EnemyNotPick | ?[check] Marks the bow, weapon, or shield as unable to be picked up and used by enemies | Actors
EnemyNotTarget | ?[check] Makes the NPC unable to be targeted by enemies | Actors
EnemyOctarock | - | Actors
EnemySiteBoss_R | - | Actors
EnemyTarget | - | Actors
EnemyView | - | Actors
EventParticipatePreActor | - | Actors
ExclusionDefeatFlagCount | - | Actors
ExclusionFromSandwichDetection | - | Actors
ExistOnlyTrunk | - | Actors
Explosive | - | Actors
ExplosivesEnemyAI | - | Actors
Fairy | Marks the actor as a fairy | Actors
FarModelDisable | - | Actors
FarModelEnable | - | Actors
ForceAwarenessCreation_Enemy | - | Actors
ForceCalcInEvent | - | Actors
GetAnotherActor | - | Actors
GrassDrop | - | Actors
GroupingDisplayItem | - | Actors
HeartContainer | - | Actors
HeroSoul | - | Actors
HiddenKorok | - | Actors
HopBush | - | Actors
HorseRider | Allows the enemy to ride horses | Actors
IgnoreBoundingAtAreaCulling | - | Actors
IgnoreIceMakerBreakCheck | ?[check] Prevents an actor from normally breaking a Cryonis block | Actors
IgnoreIceMakerCheck | If this actor falls in the water, the player will not be prevented from placing Cryonis blocks on theri location | Actors
IgnoreIceMakerLiftCheck | - | Actors
IgnoreMagneStickShapeCast | - | Actors
Important | If applied to a bow, weapon, or shield, it will make it undroppable via the pause menu. If applied to anything else, it will become a key item. | Actors
IsApplyVelocityAttnSurfing | - | Actors
IsApplyVelocityClimbing | - | Actors
IsClimbCameraCollisionIgnore | - | Actors
IsCurrentSuspendRigidBody | - | Actors
IsDelayItemSelect | - | Actors
IsDisableContactMotorcycle | - | Actors
IsDomino | - | Actors
IsEffectiveAncientWeapon | - | Actors
IsEquipStand | - | Actors
IsFixedAcceptor | - | Actors
IsGrassCut | - | Actors
IsIceMakerBlock | - | Actors
IsIgnoreAtObstacleReverse | - | Actors
IsKnockbackDirY | - | Actors
IsKnockbackDirZ | - | Actors
IsMagneActor | - | Actors
IsMagneStickAcceptor | - | Actors
IsMasterModeDamageMultiplierActor | - | Actors
IsPressBreakByEnNPC | - | Actors
IsPressHellObj | - | Actors
IsPressureObj | - | Actors
IsRaft | - | Actors
IsRemainsWaterBullet | - | Actors
IsSnowBall | - | Actors
IsTreasureSpot | - | Actors
IsTurnOffTouchMotorcycle | - | Actors
IsVehicle | - | Actors
IwaRockWeakPoint | - | Actors
LiftRockMaterial | - | Actors
LowTree | - | Actors
MagicFireObj | - | Actors
MagneDirXOnly | - | Actors
MagneDirYFree | - | Actors
MagneDirZOnly | - | Actors
MagneNoDirControl | - | Actors
Mannequin | - | Actors
Material | - | Actors
MessageDialogViewBoard | - | Actors
MessageDialogViewCaption | - | Actors
MessageDialogViewSeekerStone | - | Actors
MessageDialogViewSystem | - | Actors
MightyTree | - | Actors
NeedTwoHandPullOutTree | - | Actors
NestActor | - | Actors
NoAlphaHide | - | Actors
NoCreateForStackLink | - | Actors
NoFarModelCulling | - | Actors
NoLeafTree | - | Actors
NoRenderingFarModelCulling | - | Actors
NoSubsWeaponLife | - | Actors
NotCountDefeatedNum | - | Actors
NotDropFromPlayer | Marks the bow, weapon, or shield as undroppable and unthrowable | Actors
NotFallDelete | [NPCs] Do not delete the NPC actor after a >20.0m fall[1] | Actors
NotGenerateSpeedTerror | - | Actors
NotMakeDispNameFlag | - | Actors
NotOpenPouch | - | Actors
NotRandomSet | ?[check] Gives an item special definition. For basic materials, it can represent a multiple amount of said material (e.g. diamonds and hearty truffles). For elixirs, it (may) define the quantity and type. Finally, for weapons, it (may) define something that either isn't obtainable or has special code (e.g. the One-Hit Obliterator) | Actors
NotResetStockNumAtEvery0 | - | Actors
NpcOnlyEquipment | - | Actors
ObjectNightGlow | - | Actors
ObservedByTag | - | Actors
OnLowTree | - | Actors
PasteGrudgeSlime | - | Actors
PathOptimizationAlways | - | Actors
PhysicsPauseDisable | ?[check] Causes actor flag 2 to be set. This does not apply to actor profiles Player or Horse. | Actors
PreActorChemical | - | Actors
PreActorXLink | - | Actors
PriorityMaterial | - | Actors
PutAndFly | - | Actors
PutScatter | - | Actors
RainBonusMaterial | - | Actors
RandomCreateNotRain | - | Actors
RegisterButDontEquipWeapon | - | Actors
RenderingNonUseClustering | - | Actors
RenderingUseClustering | - | Actors
RenderingUseTeraTree | - | Actors
ResetLastRiddenAnimalHorse | - | Actors
RevivalBloodyMoon | ?[check] Marks the actor as something that should revive on a Blood Moon (may have other functions) | Actors
RevivalNone | - | Actors
RevivalNoneForDrop | - | Actors
RevivalNoneForUsed | Disables interaction with the actor following one use (e.g. shrine chests, Korok seed discovery, etc.) | Actors
RevivalRandom | - | Actors
RevivalRandomForDrop | - | Actors
RevivalUnderGodTime | - | Actors
RippleAtContactPoint | - | Actors
RoastFish | - | Actors
RoastFruit | - | Actors
RoastItem | - | Actors
RoastMeat | - | Actors
RoastMushroom | - | Actors
RoastPlant | - | Actors
RoastVegetable | - | Actors
Rock | - | Actors
RotMoveFollowPreCalc | - | Actors
RuinAutoPlacementBurn | - | Actors
RuinAutoPlacementStone | - | Actors
RuinAutoPlacementWood | - | Actors
Rupee | - | Actors
Scaffold | - | Actors
SensorFilterLayer_None | - | Actors
SheikSensorTargetDeadOrAlive | - | Actors
Signboard | - | Actors
SiteBossParts | - | Actors
SlideDoor | - | Actors
SmallKey | - | Actors
SpecialCareNecessaryForDemo | - | Actors
StalfosParts | - | Actors
StaminaContainer | - | Actors
StickArrow | - | Actors
StopTimerLong | Sets the amount of time the object can be in stasis to 10 seconds | Actors
StopTimerMiddle | Sets the amount of time the object can be in stasis to 5 seconds | Actors
StopTimerNoDisplay | - | Actors
StopTimerNotCancelAtk | - | Actors
StopTimerShort | Sets the amount of time the object can be in stasis to 1.5 seconds | Actors
StopTimerSmallMass | - | Actors
TeamAssassin | Marks the enemy as a type of Yiga | Actors
TeamBokoblin | Marks the enemy as a type of Bokoblin | Actors
TeamChuchu | Marks the enemy as a type of Chuchu | Actors
TeamForestGiant | Marks the enemy as a type of Hinox | Actors
TeamGolem | Marks the enemy as a type of Talus | Actors
TeamGolemLittle | Marks the enemy as a type of Stone Pebblit | Actors
TeamGuardian | Marks the enemy as a type of Guardian | Actors
TeamGuardianMini | Marks the enemy as a type of Guardian Scout | Actors
TeamLizarfos | Marks the enemy as a type of Lizalfos | Actors
TeamLynel | Marks the enemy as a type of Lynel | Actors
TeamMoriblin | Marks the enemy as a type of Moblin | Actors
TeamStalfos | Marks the enemy as a type of Stal enemy | Actors
TeamWizzrobe | Marks the enemy as a type of Wizzrobe | Actors
ThickTreeWeapon | - | Actors
ThinTreeWeapon | - | Actors
ThroughCheckForceBlowAttack | - | Actors
ThroughKorogFan | - | Actors
TreasureBox | Marks the actor as a treasure chest | Actors
Tree | - | Actors
TurnActorBowCharge | - | Actors
TurnActorNearEnemy | - | Actors
TypeFish | - | Actors
TypeInsect | - | Actors
TypeKokko | - | Actors
UnderGodForest | - | Actors
UnderGodForestOff | - | Actors
UndispCut | - | Actors
UnuseModelLight | - | Actors
UseAnimalSupportNormalCalculator | - | Actors
UseAnimalUnit | - | Actors
UseBossExHPParamForMasterMode | - | Actors
UseChemicalType | - | Actors
UseClothReactionUnit | - | Actors
UseExtendedEntity | - | Actors
UseExtraBindActor | - | Actors
UseModelFadeAlphaInEvent | - | Actors
UseNecklaceSaveFlag | - | Actors
UseTgSensorMaterialOnHit | - | Actors
VeryThinTreeWeapon | - | Actors
VillagerMgrNoSleepDuringEvent | - | Actors
WarmWeapon | Causes the weapon to warm Link if he has it equipped | Actors
WarpIcon | - | Actors
WatchmanEquip | - | Actors
WeaponHookSandworm | - | Actors
WhiteArrowAttentionOFF | - | Actors
WigBox | - | Actors
WigGrass | - | Actors
WigStone | - | Actors
WigTree | - | Actors
WolfLinkGroundCheckTarget | - | Actors
WolfLinkNoChainAttack | - | Actors
WolfLinkNoTarget | - | Actors
WolfLinkPowerUpFood | - | Actors
XLinkEventOnAtInit | - | Actors
ZukanAnimal | Hyrule Compendium creatures | Actors
ZukanBoss | Hyrule Compendium elite enemies | Actors
ZukanDLCOnly | Hyrule Compendium DLC only entries | Actors
ZukanEnemy | Hyrule Compendium enemies | Actors
ZukanHardModeOnly | Hyrule Compendium Master Mode-exclusive entries | Actors
ZukanOther | Hyrule Compendium treasures | Actors
ZukanSozai | Hyrule Compendium materials (literally "図鑑.素材") | Actors
ZukanWeapon | Hyrule Compendium weapons | Actors
Development tags
Unlike normal tags, development tags [unofficial name] are not used by the game at all. Rather, they are presumably only used during development and for the build process, since the tag names refer to internal development tools or processes and things like map texture generation.
Name | Description | List of actors |
ActorMsgImportDisabled | - | Actors
ActorMsgImportForceEnabled | - | Actors
AreaSeries | Environmental weapon series | Actors
AssassinSeries | Yiga weapon series | Actors
AttrFire | Fire elemental weapons | Actors
AttrIce | Ice elemental weapons | Actors
AttrThunder | Electric elemental weapons | Actors
AxSeries | Ax weapon series | Actors
Bake | - | Actors
BokoblinSeries | Bokoblin weapon series | Actors
DemoDistantView | - | Actors
DragonRoostSeries | Rito weapon series | Actors
DrcMapBridge | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Bridge actors | Actors
DrcMapComplex | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Complex actors that require special treatment | Actors
DrcMapConstruction | [Sheikah Slate map generation] | Actors
DrcMapDeadTree | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Dead trees | Actors
DrcMapDeku | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Deku Tree | Actors
DrcMapGrudge | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Malice | Actors
DrcMapLava | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Lava | Actors
DrcMapTerrain | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Terrain actors | Actors
DrcMapTree | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Tree actors | Actors
DrcMapWaterFall | [Sheikah Slate map generation] Waterfall actors | Actors
ElectricRodSeries | Electric rod weapon series | Actors
FireRodSeries | Fire rod weapon series | Actors
FitIgnore | - | Actors
FitIsArtifact | - | Actors
FitNormal | - | Actors
FitTerrain | - | Actors
FitTerrain2 | - | Actors
FitToUpper | - | Actors
FitUnderWater | - | Actors
FitUnderwater2_m270 | - | Actors
FitWater | - | Actors
GP_MonsterShop | - | Actors
GetItemGroupFruit | [GetItem] Fruits | Actors
GetItemGroupLiving | [GetItem] | Actors
GetItemGroupNonburnable | [GetItem] | Actors
GetItemGroupNormal | [GetItem] | Actors
GetItemGroupRootVegetable | [GetItem] | Actors
GetItemGroupRootVegetable4Get | [GetItem] | Actors
GetItemHeavyWeight | [GetItem] | Actors
GetItemLightWeight | [GetItem] | Actors
GetItemNormalWeight | [GetItem] | Actors
GoronSeries | Goron weapon series | Actors
GuardianMiniSeries | Guardian weapon series | Actors
HatenoSeries | Hateno weapon series | Actors
HeroSeries | Champion weapon series (note: does not include Link's weapons such as the Master Sword) | Actors
HyliaSeries | Hylian armor and weapon series | Actors
IceRodSeries | Ice rod weapon series | Actors
IsDropTableInEcosystem | - | Actors
IsForcePictureBook | - | Actors
IsPotInEcosystem | - | Actors
KakarikoSeries | Kakariko weapon series | Actors
KokiriSeries | Korok weapon series | Actors
LizalfosSeries | Lizalfos weapon series | Actors
LynelSeries | Lynel weapon series | Actors
MapUnitNonLocatable | - | Actors
MapUnitWithNonAutoGenArea | - | Actors
MasterSword | Master Sword actors | Actors
MeasureRotSpeedNpc | - | Actors
MoriblinSeries | Moblin weapon series | Actors
OasisSeries | Gerudo weapon series | Actors
PcmptAIProg | [Build] Precomputed AIProgram | Actors
PcmptAISchedule | [Build] Precomputed ActorParam/AISchedule | Actors
PcmptAttention | [Build] Precomputed Attention | Actors
PcmptAwareness | [Build] Precomputed Awareness | Actors
PcmptBoneControl | [Build] Precomputed BoneControl | Actors
PcmptDamageParam | [Build] Precomputed ActorParam/DamageParam | Actors
PcmptDropTable | [Build] Precomputed ActorParam/DropTable | Actors
PcmptELink | [Build] Precomputed ELink | Actors
PcmptLOD | [Build] Precomputed LOD | Actors
PcmptLifeCondition | [Build] Precomputed ActorParam/LifeCondition | Actors
PcmptModel | [Build] Precomputed Model | Actors
PcmptShopData | [Build] Precomputed ActorParam/ShopData | Actors
PcmptUMii | [Build] Precomputed ActorParam/UMii | Actors
RodWeapon | Rod weapon series | Actors
SeriesArmor | - | Actors
SkipChangeActorLinkFromUMiiOfASList | [Build] Skip changing ASUser in bxml according to ActorParam/UMii | Actors
SkipChangeActorLinkFromUMiiOfPhysics | [Build] Skip changing Physics in bxml according to UMii | Actors
SouthernSeries | Lurelin weapon series | Actors
Traveler | Roaming NPCs | Actors
UniqueSeries | Unique weapon series (this mostly exists for LevelSensor.byml) | Actors
Zora | Zora actors | Actors
ZoraSeries | Zora weapon series | Actors
- ↑ NPC actor code 0x71000218AC [nx-1.5.0 executable]