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<onlyinclude>'''QuestProduct''' is the configuration file for the [[quest manager]].</onlyinclude>
Contrary to what its file extension would suggest, it is not a [[SARC]] archive, but a standard [[BYML]] file. Like all other [[:Category:Content (BotW, product)|files with "product" in their name]], QuestProduct is a machine generated file with many redundant structures and which is not meant to be edited directly.
== Contents ==
The root structure is an array; each element is a dictionary that corresponds to a quest.
Example ("Find_Impa" quest):
<source lang="yaml">
- Location: HopesPlateau
  Name: Find_Impa # Quest name
  NotPostNote: false
  Orderer: Dm_Npc_Hyrule_KingSoul # Name of the quest giver
  StepDependencyFlags: []
    - {AttentionOff: false, MessageName: Desc, Name: Ready, NextFlag: Find_Impa_Activated,
      UpdateStep: true}
    - Actors:
        - <ACTOR_STRUCTURE_1>
       - <ACTOR_STRUCTURE_2>
        - ...
      AttentionOff: false
      IndicatorActors: # Yellow quest markers on the map
        - HasFar: false
          InstanceName: ''
          Location: {X: 1772.7099609375, Y: 0.0, Z: 984.3099975585938}
          Name: Npc_Kakariko001
          OffFlag: ''
      MessageName: Finish
      Name: Finish
      NextFlag: Find_Impa_Finish
      UpdateStep: true
    - ...
  Type: Main
=== Actor structure ===
''Not to be confused with event flow timelines.''
<source lang="yaml">
- DefaultTimeline: ...
  ConditionalTimelines: ...
  DisableClipping: true
  DisplayDistanceMode: None
  Name: Npc_MiniGame_Crosscountry # Name of the actor
  UniqueName: ''
For DefaultTimeline, ConditionalTimelines, DisplayDistanceMode and some other properties, see [[ActorParam/AISchedule]].
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