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(Possibly terrible tutorial But who knows may be helpful.)
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Revision as of 17:26, 26 July 2019

When replacing textures, the process is fairly similar on both Wii u/Cemu and Switch. The main difference is the presence of Tex1 and Tex2 which are combined as a single Tex file on the switch.


Replacing The Textures

  1. Open Switch Toolbox and find the texture you're looking for. Use IDs List to find the bfres name.
  2. Drag the Tex1 (or Tex if Switch) into Switch Toolbox
  3. Click the + icon next to the file, and then on textures folder.
  4. Find the texture you're looking to replace and right-click, replace. Please note when replacing textures sometimes SRGB won't be automatically selected, if it's Alb, then it will glow in-game without SRGB.
  5. Save the file, if you're on Wii u it will ask where to save the Tex2, save it in the same spot Tex2 would belong for that model.
  6. If the file size increased it's recommended that you update the rstb entry

Congratulations! You replaced the texture! If you're on CEMU, create a graphics pack and try it out, otherwise follow the normal steps for mods on Switch / Wii U to see it in action.