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|+ Sub-managers by ID
|+ 小主管及其編號 (ID)
! 編號 !! Description
! 編號 !! 負責內容
| 0 || TimeMgr: 時間、血月、山林霸主
| 0 || TimeMgr: 時間、血月、山林霸主
Line 21: Line 21:
| 1 || CloudPrMgr: 程序化生成的雲
| 1 || CloudPrMgr: 程序化生成的雲
| 2 || ShootingStarMgr: 流星跟異度神劍流星 (in 1.3.3+)
| 2 || ShootingStarMgr: 黃色的流星跟紅色的異度神劍2流星(1.3.3版及其後)。
| 3 || WeatherMgr: Handles "rain splash" and 氣候、天氣
| 3 || WeatherMgr: Handles "rain splash" and 氣候、天氣
Line 37: Line 37:

=== 氣候 ===
=== 氣候 ===
WorldMgr 本身(而不是小主管)負責處理氣候那一類的事情。 氣候顯然是由玩家所在的位置決定的(在火山很熱、在山上很冷), 有趣的是,它是用攝影機所在的位置而不是林克所在的位置來決定氣候的。
WorldMgr 本身(而不是小主管)負責處理氣候那一類的事情。 氣候顯然是由玩家所在的位置決定的(在火山很熱、在雪山很冷), 有趣的是,它是用攝影機所在的位置而不是林克所在的位置來決定氣候的。

== TimeMgr ==
== TimeMgr ==
TimeMgr 管理所有跟時間有關的事情,例如血月何時出現,山林霸主何時出現。
TimeMgr 管理所有跟時間有關的事情,例如血月何時出現,山林霸主何時出現。

遊戲內時間(小時跟分鐘)是一個 [0.0, 360.0] 範圍內的浮點數。 0.0 代表子夜,180.0 代表中午。
遊戲內時間(小時跟分鐘)是一個 [0.0, 360.0] 範圍內的浮點數。 0.0 跟 360 代表子夜,90 大約是早晨,180.0 代表正午,依此類推。

=== TimeMgr::init ===
=== TimeMgr::init ===
* Time is set to 78.75 (05:15).
(init 代表初始化設定)
* 遊戲內時間令為 78.75,早上 05:15 的意思。
* Time for TotS environment is set to 78.75 (05:15) as well.
* Time for TotS environment is set to 78.75 (05:15) as well.
* "Bloody Moon end reserve timer" is set to 0.
* "Bloody Moon end reserve timer" is set to 0.(這個計時器不是用來倒數血月何時出現的那個,下面會詳述。)

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
=== TimeMgr::reset ===
=== TimeMgr::reset ===
This is called whenever a stage is unloaded (essentially every time the loading screen is shown).
This is called whenever a stage is unloaded (essentially every time the loading screen is shown). 意思是凡是讀檔就會呼叫這個函數。
* Blood Moon checks are delayed.
* 血月相關檢查會被延後。
* The AnimalMaster_Appearance flag is cleared, meaning the Lord of the Mountain will not appear.
* 山林霸主的 flag 會被設為 false,意思是不要出現。

=== TimeMgr::calc ===
=== TimeMgr::calc ===

* (If field 0x14A is set to 99, WM_BloodyDay is set to true. [[AIDef:Action/SetBloodyMoonEnv]] uses this to force a Blood Moon to be scheduled. This feature appears to be unused.)
* (If field 0x14A is set to 99, WM_BloodyDay is set to true. [[AIDef:Action/SetBloodyMoonEnv]] uses this to force a Blood Moon to be scheduled. This feature appears to be unused.)(好像是沒用到的功能。)
* If both [[Demo]]103_0 and Demo997_0 have not been played, time of day is reset to 78.75 (05:15).
* 如果某兩個過場動畫 [[Demo]]103_0 and Demo997_0 都還沒播過的話,時間會被固定在 78.75(早上 05:15)。
** Demo103_0 is the "leaving Shrine of Resurrection" cutscene, and Demo997_0 is a cutscene that doesn't exist anymore.
** 那兩個過場動畫,前一個是林克走出復甦神廟後環顧海拉魯,後一個沒有使用。
* If [[AIDef:Action/AdvanceTime]] or anything else that changes time of day was called, the actual time is updated at this moment.
* 如果 [[AIDef:Action/AdvanceTime]] 或是其他什麼東西強制把時間定在某個值的話,那時間就會更新。
* The game then performs [[#Midnight checks]].
* [[#子夜檢查]]

* '''Update time of day''': there are several possible update modes. In most cases, the update mode is 0.
* '''更新時間''':有幾種更新的模式,大部分的時候是用模式 0。
! 模式 !! Description
! 模式 !! 更新方式
| 0 || If Demo103_0 or Demo997_0 have been played, and if there is no active event (cutscene):
| 0 || 如果 Demo103_0 Demo997_0 播過,而且不是在過場動畫裡的話:
* Add (0.0083333 * elapsed frames) to the Time of Day timer. Effectively, this means that 1 in-game minute = 1 real-life second.
* 遊戲內時間(那個符點數)會增加「0.0083333 * 幀數」,本遊戲一秒三十幀,所以遊戲裡的一分鐘是現實生活中的一小時。
* If the timer is >= 360.0, which means that a day has passed, the game subtracts 360 from the timer and then performs midnight checks.
* 如果遊戲內時間 ≥ 360.0,也就是完整的一天已經過完了,那就減掉 360,然後執行子夜檢查(下面詳述)。
* If FindDungeon_Activated is false (if the player hasn't received the ''The Isolated Plateau'' quest) and if the current time is >= 165.0 (11:00), the time is forcefully set to 11:00. Effectively, this means that time will not get past 11:00 until the Great Plateau Tower is activated and the Old Man cutscene is triggered.
* If FindDungeon_Activated is false (if the player hasn't received the ''The Isolated Plateau'' quest) and if the current time is >= 165.0 (11:00), the time is forcefully set to 11:00. Effectively, this means that time will not get past 11:00 until the Great Plateau Tower is activated and the Old Man cutscene is triggered. 整句的意思是,遊戲從 5:15 開始跑,如果到 11:00 時玩家還沒啟動初始之塔而且爬下來的話,遊戲時間會固定在早上 11:00。
* The Blood Moon timer is updated too.
* 血月計時器也會增加(增加跟遊戲內時間相同的量)。
| 1, 13, 35 || Freeze time to 04:00
| 1, 13, 35 || Freeze time to 04:00 把時間固定在 04:00
| 2, 14 || Freeze time to 05:00
| 2, 14 || Freeze time to 05:00
Line 121: Line 125:
| 32 || Freeze time to 23:00
| 32 || Freeze time to 23:00
| 34 ||* Add (0.0083333 * elapsed frames) to the Time of Day timer.
| 34 ||
* If the timer is >= 360.0, which means that a day has passed, the game subtracts 360 from the timer.
* 遊戲內時間增加「0.0083333 * 幀數」。
* 如果遊戲內時間 >= 360.0, 也就是完整的一天已經過完了,那就減掉 360。

'''Note''': In this state, the blood moon timer is never updated and its value is never checked either.
'''附註''': 這個模式跟模式 0 不一樣的地方在於血月計時器既不更新也不檢查。
* Update the [[#Day/night time flag]], the [[#Time division, IsMorning, IsNoon, etc.]]
* 更新 [[#日夜標籤]],更新 [[#晨午暮夜標籤]]
* If the "Bloody Moon end reserve timer" is non zero, decrement it. If the new value is zero, the WM_BloodyDay flag is cleared.
* If the "Bloody Moon end reserve timer" is non zero, decrement it. If the new value is zero, the WM_BloodyDay flag is cleared.(這個計時器不是用來倒數血月何時出現的那個,下面詳述。)
* Update [[#Lord of the Mountain]] flags.
* 更新 [[#山林霸主]] flags.

=== 子夜檢查 ===  
=== 子夜檢查 ===  
下面這些是子夜檢查的內容(就是每次時間從 360.0 變成 0.0 的時候做的事情)。
下面這些是子夜檢查的內容(就是每次時間從 360.0 變成 0.0 的時候做的事情)。

增加 WM_NumberOfDays。
增加 WM_NumberOfDays(總共過了幾個遊戲天)。
(如果 WM_BloodyDay 是 true)(可以看到東方有紅色滿月就是這個狀態,雙子驛站的西納巴岡會告訴你內心有股騷動。)
* 如果沒辦法出現血月(下面有列原因),血月計時器會被設在 2880.0。
* 如果血月可以出現,播放 [ Demo011_0](又到了紅月出現的時刻,林克你要小心), 然後血月計時器歸零。

'''If a Blood Moon is scheduled''' (WM_BloodyDay is true):
*If Blood Moons are prohibited (see conditions below), set the Blood Moon timer to 2880.0.
*If they are allowed to happen, call [ Demo011_0] and set the Blood Moon timer to 0.0.

'''Scheduling new Blood Moons''':
* 如果 FirstTouchdown flag is set(出台地了)而且血月計時器 > 2520.0 (遊戲內過了整整七天,營火快轉不算):
*If the FirstTouchdown flag is set (i.e. if the player has left the Great Plateau), and if the Blood Moon timer is > 2520.0 (7 in-game days):
** WM_BloodyDay 設為 true,代表下個子夜檢查時就會執行上面的「血月該出現了」。
**WM_BloodyDay is set to true, which means that a Blood Moon is scheduled for the next night.
** 血月計時器歸零。
**The Blood Moon timer is reset to 0.0.
* Otherwise, the "Bloody end reserve timer" is set to 150. This ensures that the WM_BloodyDay flag is cleared 5 in-game minutes (= 5 seconds in real life) after a Blood Moon occurs.
* Otherwise, the "Bloody end reserve timer" is set to 150. This ensures that the WM_BloodyDay flag is cleared 5 in-game minutes (= 5 seconds in real life) after a Blood Moon occurs.

Line 157: Line 165:
* SkyMgr's field_2B4 is set to 15 and field_2B8 >= 1.0
* SkyMgr's field_2B4 is set to 15 and field_2B8 >= 1.0

請注意:即使血月被阻止,血月計時器也不會歸零,還是會繼續增加。這些理由也不能阻止 WM_BloodyDay from being set。
請注意:即使血月被阻止,血月計時器也不會歸零,還是會繼續增加。這些理由也不能阻止 WM_BloodyDay 被設成 true。

Note: Vah Rudania is missing from the list. This is normal and blood moons still cannot happen during the Vah Rudania battle sequence because the BloodyMoonProhibition flag is set during it.
注意二:瓦‧魯達尼亞看似沒有在這個表裡,但是瓦‧魯達尼亞會去設 BloodyMoonProhibition,所以血月還是不會出現。
=== 日夜標籤 ===

=== Day/night time flag ===
From 00:00 to 06:00 (closed interval) and from 18:00 to 00:00 (closed interval), WM_DaytimeFlag is set to false and WM_NighttimeFlag is true.
From 00:00 to 06:00 (closed interval) and from 18:00 to 00:00 (closed interval), WM_DaytimeFlag is set to false and WM_NighttimeFlag is true.
In any other case, WM_DaytimeFlag is set to true and WM_NighttimeFlag to false.

In any other case, WM_DaytimeFlag is set to true and WM_NighttimeFlag to false.
In any other case, WM_DaytimeFlag is set to true and WM_NighttimeFlag to false.
Line 168: Line 181:
=== Time division, IsMorning, IsNoon, etc. === <!--T:26-->
=== Time division, IsMorning, IsNoon, etc. === <!--T:26-->
! Start !! End !! Division !! Time type (1) !! Time type (2)
! !! !! Division !! Time type (1) !! Time type (2)
| 04:00 || 05:00 || 0 || MorningA || Morning_A1
| 04:00 || 05:00 || 0 || MorningA || Morning_A1
Line 189: Line 202:

Note: all intervals include the start time and exclude the end time.

=== 月相 ===
=== 月相 ===
Line 201: Line 214:
山林霸主會在 AnimalMaster_Appearance flag 是 true 的時候出現。 山林霸主出不出現是由一個有限狀態自動機控制的。
山林霸主會在 AnimalMaster_Appearance flag 是 true 的時候出現。 山林霸主出不出現是由一個有限狀態自動機控制的。

Note that whenever a stage is unloaded, the AnimalMaster_Appearance flag is reset to false.

====State 0 沈默狀態====
====State 0 沈默狀態====
Line 220: Line 233:

====State 3 準備消失狀態====
====State 3 準備消失狀態====
「兩天之後」 or 「『過了一天』且『現在的小時 >= 出現的小時』」,山林霸主消失。 (意思是山林霸主只會維持整整 24 遊戲內小時/現時分鐘。)
「兩天之後」 or 「『過了一天』且『現在的小時 出現的小時』」,山林霸主消失。 (意思是山林霸主只會維持整整 24 遊戲內小時/現時分鐘。)

====State 4 熄滅狀態====
====State 4 熄滅狀態====
等月相是 5 的時候再進到 State 0.
等月相是 5(眉月)的時候再進到 State 0.

== WeatherMgr ==
== WeatherMgr ==
Line 229: Line 242:
=== Weather types ===
=== Weather types ===
! Value !! Name
! !!
| 0 || Bluesky
| 0 || Bluesky
Line 251: Line 264:

[[Category:Subsystems (BotW)]]
[[Category:Subsystems (BotW){{#translation:}}]]


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