
From ZeldaMods (Breath of the Wild)
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AI definition
Type Action


Name Type Default value Description
ASName String
IsIgnoreSame Bool
PosReduceRatio Float
AngReduceRatio Float

Derived definitions

遠距離 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 見まわす)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 不調仲間発見)

Name Value
ASName Doubt
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 対象見張り台)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 到達不能戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 浮遊物発見)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Bokoblin_Junior_Body, 臨戦体制)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

オフ (WaterPump, Root_0)

Name Value
ASName Off
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

空中 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone, 後行動_2)

Name Value
ASName TeleportLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone, 後行動_3)

Name Value
ASName TeleportLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone, 転移)

Name Value
ASName TeleportLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone, 子0_0)

Name Value
ASName BananaPanicLoop
IsIgnoreSame False
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

攻撃前 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone, 一列突進)

Name Value
ASName LineFormWaitBeforeAttack
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

攻撃前 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone, 一列流星)

Name Value
ASName LineFormWaitBeforeFallAttack
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

気絶 (Assassin_Senior, ループ)

Name Value
ASName HeadGround
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

気絶 (Assassin_Senior, 初回ふっとび)

Name Value
ASName Bury
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Assassin_Senior, 転移)

Name Value
ASName Appear
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備完了待ち (Assassin_Senior, 先行動)

Name Value
ASName CallBallWaitFirst
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Senior, プレイヤー死亡)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Senior, 絶対防御)

Name Value
ASName GuardWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Senior, 第一形態攻撃)

Name Value
ASName CallBallWaitFirst
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Senior, 中行動)

Name Value
ASName FirstIronMagicLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.5

待機 (Assassin_Senior, 通常)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossBow, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossBow, 先行動)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossBow, 溜め)

Name Value
ASName ChemicalArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBow, 溜め_0)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBow, 溜め_1)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBow, 溜め_2)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.45

元気 (SiteBossSpear, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSpear, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSpear, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossSpear, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossSpear, 待機_0)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

瀕死 (SiteBossSpear, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

オフ (NoseWaterPump, Root_0)

Name Value
ASName Off
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

対象泳ぎ (Octarock_Forest, 地上隠れプレイヤー発見)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せA (Enemy_Golem_Fire_R, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せB (Enemy_Golem_Fire_R, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けA (Enemy_Golem_Fire_R, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けB (Enemy_Golem_Fire_R, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

時間内 (Enemy_Golem_Fire_R, 行動)

Name Value
ASName Sway
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

睡眠 (Enemy_Golem_Fire_R, 二度寝)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Enemy_Golem_Fire_R, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

見えてない (Lizalfos, 隠れ遠隔戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos, 浮遊物発見弓)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, フェイント)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, ループ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 音気づき待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 気配気づき)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 弓戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 追跡)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName ScareWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos, 武器投げ終了)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (InsectLizard, 水上)

Name Value
ASName Dead_Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (InsectLizard, 通常行動)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Ground
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

行動 (Priest_Boss_EarthRelease_Normal, 先行動_0)

Name Value
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

空中 (Stal_Lizalfos_Head, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.9

地上 (Stal_Lizalfos_Head, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.8
AngReduceRatio 0.8

子0 (InsectCrab, 水上)

Name Value
ASName Dead_Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossLsword, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossLsword, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

遠距離 (Bokoblin_Red, 見まわす)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Bokoblin_Red, 不調仲間発見)

Name Value
ASName Doubt
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Bokoblin_Red, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Bokoblin_Red, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Bokoblin_Red, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, ループ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 対象見張り台)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 待ち伏せ)

Name Value
ASName Hide
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 到達不能戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 浮遊物発見)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Red, 臨戦体制)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Bokoblin_Red, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Bokoblin_Red, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Assassin_Middle_Azito, デモ中気づき)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.15

後行動 (Assassin_Middle_Azito, 警戒)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWarnWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito, あった)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito, デモ中)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito, 見張り)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

抜刀 (Assassin_Middle_Azito, 待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Quest, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Chuchu, ケミカル鎮静化)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

子0 (Chuchu, ケミカル鎮静待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu, 見張り)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu, 戦闘準備)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu, 怒り)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

後行動 (SiteBossSwordCastle, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSwordCastle, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

エリア外 (Assassin_Middle, 後行動)

Name Value
ASName MagicWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

エリア外 (Assassin_Middle, 後行動_1)

Name Value
ASName MagicAttackLost
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Middle, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.01
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossBowCastle, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossBowCastle, 先行動)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossBowCastle, 溜め)

Name Value
ASName ChemicalArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBowCastle, 溜め_0)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBowCastle, 溜め_1)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBowCastle, 溜め_2)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (WillBall, 放物攻撃)

Name Value
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

元気 (SiteBossSpearCastle, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSpearCastle, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSpearCastle, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossSpearCastle, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossSpearCastle, 待機_0)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

瀕死 (SiteBossSpearCastle, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

元気 (SiteBossSpearR, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSpearR, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSpearR, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossSpearR, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossSpearR, 待機_0)

Name Value
ASName Wait_Down
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

瀕死 (SiteBossSpearR, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

行動 (AttackGrave, 先行動_0)

Name Value
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せA (Golem_Senior, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せB (Golem_Senior, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けA (Golem_Senior, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けB (Golem_Senior, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

時間内 (Golem_Senior, 行動)

Name Value
ASName Sway
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

睡眠 (Golem_Senior, 二度寝)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Golem_Senior, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

見えてない (Lizalfos_Fire, 隠れ遠隔戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Fire, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Fire, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Fire, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Fire, 浮遊物発見弓)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

先行動 (Lizalfos_Fire, 疲れる)

Name Value
ASName Tired
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, フェイント)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, ブレス攻撃)

Name Value
ASName AttackFireLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, ループ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 音気づき待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 気配気づき)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 弓戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 追跡)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName ScareWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Fire, 武器投げ終了)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Fire, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Fire, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Priest_Boss_Normal, 後行動_3)

Name Value
ASName TeleportLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Priest_Boss_Normal, 転移)

Name Value
ASName TeleportLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

うつ伏せA (Golem_Little, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せB (Golem_Little, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

逆さま (Golem_Little, 通常)

Name Value
ASName Lifted
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

仰向けA (Golem_Little, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けB (Golem_Little, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Golem_Little, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

遠距離 (Bokoblin_Senior, 見まわす)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Bokoblin_Senior, 不調仲間発見)

Name Value
ASName Doubt
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Bokoblin_Senior, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Bokoblin_Senior, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Bokoblin_Senior, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, ループ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 対象見張り台)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 待ち伏せ)

Name Value
ASName Hide
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 到達不能戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 浮遊物発見)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Senior, 臨戦体制)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Bokoblin_Senior, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Bokoblin_Senior, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

遠距離 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 見まわす)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 不調仲間発見)

Name Value
ASName Doubt
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, ループ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 対象見張り台)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 待ち伏せ)

Name Value
ASName Hide
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 到達不能戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 浮遊物発見)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Bokoblin_Rapid, 臨戦体制)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Bokoblin_Rapid, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Bokoblin_Rapid, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

見えてない (Lizalfos_Electric, 隠れ遠隔戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Electric, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Electric, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Electric, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Electric, 浮遊物発見弓)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, フェイント)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, ループ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 音気づき待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 気配気づき)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 弓戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 追跡)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName ScareWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Electric, 武器投げ終了)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Electric, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Electric, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Moriblin_Senior, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Moriblin_Senior, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Moriblin_Senior, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Senior, しょんぼり)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Senior, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

待機 (Moriblin_Senior, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Senior, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Senior, 先行動)

Name Value
ASName GrabRightTurn
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Senior, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Senior, 待ち伏せ)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Senior, 浮遊物発見)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Moriblin_Senior, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Moriblin_Senior, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

行動 (Priest_Boss_EarthRelease_Giant, 先行動_0)

Name Value
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

弱点モード (GanonBeast, 待機)

Name Value
ASName SufferWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

行動 (Kokko, 所持)

Name Value
ASName Lifted
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

持ち上げられ中 (Kokko, 所持)

Name Value
ASName Lifted
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

空中 (Stal_Moriblin_Head, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.9

地上 (Stal_Moriblin_Head, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.8
AngReduceRatio 0.8

空中 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone_Real, 後行動_2)

Name Value
ASName TeleportLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone_Real, 後行動_3)

Name Value
ASName TeleportLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone_Real, 転移)

Name Value
ASName TeleportLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

攻撃前 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone_Real, 一列突進)

Name Value
ASName LineFormWaitBeforeAttack
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

攻撃前 (Priest_Boss_ShadowClone_Real, 一列流星)

Name Value
ASName LineFormWaitBeforeFallAttack
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

うつ伏せA (Golem_Middle, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せB (Golem_Middle, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けA (Golem_Middle, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けB (Golem_Middle, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

時間内 (Golem_Middle, 行動)

Name Value
ASName Sway
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

睡眠 (Golem_Middle, 二度寝)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Golem_Middle, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Assassin_Junior, 転移)

Name Value
ASName Appear
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Junior, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.01
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Assassin_Middle_Azito_DLC, デモ中気づき)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.15

後行動 (Assassin_Middle_Azito_DLC, 警戒)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWarnWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito_DLC, あった)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito_DLC, デモ中)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito_DLC, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito_DLC, 見張り)

Name Value
ASName PatrolWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Middle_Azito_DLC, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

抜刀 (Assassin_Middle_Azito_DLC, 待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

遠距離 (Octarock_Sand, 待機)

Name Value
ASName UnderGroundWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

後行動 (Octarock_Sand, 擬態待機リアクション)

Name Value
ASName UnderGroundWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Octarock_Sand, 地中待機)

Name Value
ASName UnderGroundWaitBury
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

Root (NpcHorseGod)

Name Value
ASName Act_Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

ビーム準備 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 危険回避)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

ビーム準備 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 最終段階攻撃)

Name Value
ASName BeamWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

ビーム準備 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 変形前危険回避)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

移動 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 危険回避)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

移動 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 変形前危険回避)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, チャンス)

Name Value
ASName GroggyLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, リアクション時のチャンス)

Name Value
ASName GroggyMissLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 瀕死)

Name Value
ASName GroggyFinalLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 変更前リアクション時チャンス)

Name Value
ASName GroggyFoldLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

戦闘準備 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 危険回避)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

戦闘準備 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 最終段階攻撃)

Name Value
ASName BeamWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

戦闘準備 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 変形前危険回避)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

戦闘予兆点滅 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 最終段階)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 通常)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

武器切替 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 武器切替)

Name Value
ASName WeaponChangeLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

変形後 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 子0_0)

Name Value
ASName Burn
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

変形前 (Guardian_Mini_DetachLineBeam, 子0_0)

Name Value
ASName FoldBurn
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Animal_SunazarashiSP_B, Root)

Name Value
ASName Wait_No_Move
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

見えてない (Lizalfos_Bone, 隠れ遠隔戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Bone, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Bone, 浮遊物発見弓)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, フェイント)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 音気づき待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 気配気づき)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 弓戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 追跡)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName ScareWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Bone, 武器投げ終了)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

ダウン状態 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 第四段階)

Name Value
ASName FourthPhaseEndFromDown
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

後行動 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 例外待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

行動 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 待機_0)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

行動 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 待機_2)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 後行動_1)

Name Value
ASName CallCloneStandLoop
IsIgnoreSame False
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 後行動_2)

Name Value
ASName CallCloneStandLoop
IsIgnoreSame False
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 行動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 子0)

Name Value
ASName StandEyeBeamLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

立ち状態 (Priest_Boss_Giant, 第四段階)

Name Value
ASName FourthPhaseEndFromStand
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

オフ (DgnObj_DLC_IbutsuEx_E_WaterPump_A_01, Root_0)

Name Value
ASName Off
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

子0 (Moriblin_Blue, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Moriblin_Blue, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Moriblin_Blue, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Blue, しょんぼり)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Blue, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

待機 (Moriblin_Blue, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Blue, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Blue, 先行動)

Name Value
ASName GrabRightTurn
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Blue, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Blue, 待ち伏せ)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Moriblin_Blue, 浮遊物発見)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Moriblin_Blue, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Moriblin_Blue, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Chuchu_Middle, ケミカル鎮静化)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

子0 (Chuchu_Middle, ケミカル鎮静待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu_Middle, 見張り)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu_Middle, 戦闘準備)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu_Middle, 怒り)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

準備 (Stal_Moriblin_Bone, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Moriblin_Bone, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

待機 (Stal_Moriblin_Bone, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Moriblin_Bone, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Moriblin_Bone, 先行動)

Name Value
ASName GrabRightTurn
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Moriblin_Bone, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Stal_Moriblin_Bone, 浮遊物発見)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Enemy_Ganon, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Enemy_Ganon, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Die_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

弾消え待ち (Enemy_Ganon, 氷柱)

Name Value
ASName Attack_Chemical_Ice_Up_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSword, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSword, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossBowR, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossBowR, 先行動)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (SiteBossBowR, 溜め)

Name Value
ASName ChemicalArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBowR, 溜め_0)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBowR, 溜め_1)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (SiteBossBowR, 溜め_2)

Name Value
ASName ArrowDraw
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.45

対象泳ぎ (Octarock_Snow, 地上隠れプレイヤー発見)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

行動 (KakarikoKokko, 所持)

Name Value
ASName Lifted
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

持ち上げられ中 (KakarikoKokko, 所持)

Name Value
ASName Lifted
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

通常 (Duck, 通常行動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

オフ (BeltConveyor, 通常)

Name Value
ASName Stop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

オフ (RemainsWaterPump, Root_0)

Name Value
ASName Off
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 1.0
AngReduceRatio 1.0

Root (ArmorProcessingFairy)

Name Value
ASName Act_Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Octarock_Stone, ガード待機)

Name Value
ASName HideLookGuardLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Octarock_Stone, 遠距離)

Name Value
ASName HideLookWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

プレイヤー死亡 (Guardian_Mini_Practice, 通常)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

待機 (Guardian_Mini_Practice, 通常)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

崩れ待機 (StalForestGiant, 崩れ待機)

Name Value
ASName Sleep
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

ビーム準備 (Guardian_Mini, 危険回避)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

ビーム準備 (Guardian_Mini, 最終段階攻撃)

Name Value
ASName BeamWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

ビーム準備 (Guardian_Mini, 変形前危険回避)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

移動 (Guardian_Mini, 危険回避)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

移動 (Guardian_Mini, 変形前危険回避)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Guardian_Mini, チャンス)

Name Value
ASName GroggyLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Guardian_Mini, リアクション時のチャンス)

Name Value
ASName GroggyMissLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Guardian_Mini, 瀕死)

Name Value
ASName GroggyFinalLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Guardian_Mini, 変更前リアクション時チャンス)

Name Value
ASName GroggyFoldLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

戦闘準備 (Guardian_Mini, 危険回避)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

戦闘準備 (Guardian_Mini, 最終段階攻撃)

Name Value
ASName BeamWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

戦闘準備 (Guardian_Mini, 変形前危険回避)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

戦闘予兆点滅 (Guardian_Mini, 最終段階)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Guardian_Mini, 通常)

Name Value
ASName FoldWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

武器切替 (Guardian_Mini, 武器切替)

Name Value
ASName WeaponChangeLoop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.45

変形後 (Guardian_Mini, 子0_0)

Name Value
ASName Burn
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

変形前 (Guardian_Mini, 子0_0)

Name Value
ASName FoldBurn
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Chuchu_Senior, ケミカル鎮静化)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

子0 (Chuchu_Senior, ケミカル鎮静待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu_Senior, 見張り)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu_Senior, 戦闘準備)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

待機 (Chuchu_Senior, 怒り)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.8

見えてない (Lizalfos_Senior, 隠れ遠隔戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Senior, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Senior, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Senior, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Senior, 浮遊物発見弓)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 音気づき待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 気配気づき)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 弓戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 追跡)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName ScareWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Senior, 武器投げ終了)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Senior, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Senior, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossLswordR, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossLswordR, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSwordR, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossSwordR, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (InsectWait, 水上)

Name Value
ASName Dead_Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (InsectWait, 通常行動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (InsectWait, 逃走)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

先行動 (PriestBossShadowCloneBullet, 地上)

Name Value
ASName CallCloneKickEnd
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

うつ伏せA (Golem_Little_Ice, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せB (Golem_Little_Ice, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

逆さま (Golem_Little_Ice, 通常)

Name Value
ASName Lifted
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

仰向けA (Golem_Little_Ice, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けB (Golem_Little_Ice, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Golem_Little_Ice, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Assassin_Junior_Shooter, 転移)

Name Value
ASName Appear
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Assassin_Junior_Shooter, プレイヤー生存)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Assassin_Junior_Azito_Shooter, 転移)

Name Value
ASName Appear
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (Assassin_Junior_Azito_Shooter, デモ中)

Name Value
ASName DemoWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.05

行動 (Assassin_Junior_Azito_Shooter, 非参加デモ)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.15

待機 (Assassin_Junior_Azito_Shooter, プレイヤー生存)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

うつ伏せA (Golem, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せB (Golem, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けA (Golem, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けB (Golem, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

時間内 (Golem, 行動)

Name Value
ASName Sway
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

睡眠 (Golem, 二度寝)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Golem, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

うつ伏せA (Golem_Little_Fire, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

うつ伏せB (Golem_Little_Fire, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepBackB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

逆さま (Golem_Little_Fire, 通常)

Name Value
ASName Lifted
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

仰向けA (Golem_Little_Fire, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardA
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

仰向けB (Golem_Little_Fire, 睡眠)

Name Value
ASName SleepForwardB
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.0
AngReduceRatio 0.0

待機 (Golem_Little_Fire, 戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (InsectFrog, 水上)

Name Value
ASName Dead_Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Stal_Bokoblin_Head, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.95
AngReduceRatio 0.9

地上 (Stal_Bokoblin_Head, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.8
AngReduceRatio 0.8

後行動 (SiteBossLswordCastle, デモ待ち大ダメージ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

後行動 (SiteBossLswordCastle, 死亡)

Name Value
ASName Damage_Last_Loop
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

見えてない (Lizalfos_Middle, 隠れ遠隔戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Middle, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Middle, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Middle, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Middle, 浮遊物発見弓)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, フェイント)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, ループ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 音気づき待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 気配気づき)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 弓戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 追跡)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName ScareWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Middle, 武器投げ終了)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Middle, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Middle, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

見えてない (Lizalfos_Ice, 隠れ遠隔戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName HideWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Ice, 聞く)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

子0 (Lizalfos_Ice, 立ち話聞く)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Ice, 弓戦闘)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

準備 (Lizalfos_Ice, 浮遊物発見弓)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, フェイント)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, ループ)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 音気づき待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 基本挙動)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 気配気づき)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 弓戦闘待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 警戒待機)

Name Value
ASName BattleWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.1
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 慌て)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 追跡)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 発狂)

Name Value
ASName ScareWait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

待機 (Lizalfos_Ice, 武器投げ終了)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Ice, 小物連携)

Name Value
ASName Squat
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

反応待ち (Lizalfos_Ice, 立ち話)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.15
AngReduceRatio 0.45

空中 (Stal_Giant_Eye, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.9
AngReduceRatio 0.9

地上 (Stal_Giant_Eye, 待機)

Name Value
ASName Wait
IsIgnoreSame True
PosReduceRatio 0.7
AngReduceRatio 0.8