
From ZeldaMods (Breath of the Wild)
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AI definition
Type Action


Name Type Default value Description
HighPosWarpRate Int
RandomRate Int
HighOffsetY Float
LifeCondition Float
OffsetLength Float
OffsetY Float
WarpTime Float
ChaseDist Vec3
IsUseChangePos Bool
ChaseDistOffset Vec3
IsEscapeFromPlayer Bool
HomePosOffset Vec3
IsWarpAtGround Bool
CheckShapeRadius Float
IsChasePlayer Bool
DisableGroundHit Bool
DisableAirWallHit Bool


Name Type Default value Description
TargetPos Vec3
IsReturnHome Bool
IsForceWarp Bool
IsPartsActorTgOn Bool
IsKeepDisableDraw Bool

Derived definitions

ワープ (SiteBossBow, レールワープ)

Name Value
HighPosWarpRate 3
RandomRate 1
HighOffsetY 16.0
LifeCondition 0.5
OffsetLength 28.0
OffsetY -0.5
WarpTime 60.0
ChaseDist Vec3(x=200.0, y=14.0, z=80.0)
IsUseChangePos False
ChaseDistOffset Vec3(x=0.0, y=5.0, z=0.0)
IsEscapeFromPlayer True
HomePosOffset Vec3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
IsWarpAtGround True
CheckShapeRadius 9.0
IsChasePlayer True
DisableGroundHit True
DisableAirWallHit False

ワープ (SiteBossBow, 後行動)

Name Value
HighPosWarpRate 1
RandomRate 0
HighOffsetY 16.0
LifeCondition 0.0
OffsetLength 28.0
OffsetY -0.5
WarpTime 60.0
ChaseDist Vec3(x=200.0, y=14.0, z=80.0)
IsUseChangePos False
ChaseDistOffset Vec3(x=0.0, y=5.0, z=0.0)
IsEscapeFromPlayer True
HomePosOffset Vec3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
IsWarpAtGround False
CheckShapeRadius 9.0
IsChasePlayer True
DisableGroundHit True
DisableAirWallHit False

ワープ (SiteBossBowR, レールワープ)

Name Value
HighPosWarpRate 3
RandomRate 1
HighOffsetY 16.0
LifeCondition 0.5
OffsetLength 28.0
OffsetY -0.5
WarpTime 60.0
ChaseDist Vec3(x=200.0, y=14.0, z=80.0)
IsUseChangePos False
ChaseDistOffset Vec3(x=0.0, y=5.0, z=0.0)
IsEscapeFromPlayer True
HomePosOffset Vec3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
IsWarpAtGround True
CheckShapeRadius 9.0
IsChasePlayer True
DisableGroundHit True
DisableAirWallHit False

ワープ (SiteBossBowR, 後行動)

Name Value
HighPosWarpRate 1
RandomRate 0
HighOffsetY 16.0
LifeCondition 0.0
OffsetLength 28.0
OffsetY -0.5
WarpTime 60.0
ChaseDist Vec3(x=200.0, y=14.0, z=80.0)
IsUseChangePos False
ChaseDistOffset Vec3(x=0.0, y=5.0, z=0.0)
IsEscapeFromPlayer True
HomePosOffset Vec3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
IsWarpAtGround False
CheckShapeRadius 9.0
IsChasePlayer True
DisableGroundHit True
DisableAirWallHit False