Help:Adding items: Difference between revisions

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===Creating the save game data flags===
===Creating the save game data flags===
'''You should ignore this section if you are making an armor or something that never goes into Link's inventory.'''
This section covers the save game flags, which the game uses to remember whether or not you've picked up an item before. If you are adding a common item, like a material or consumable, this will make it so that the little popup that happens the first time you pick up an item, doesn't happen every single time you pick your new item up.
This section covers the save game flags, which the game uses to remember whether or not you've picked up an item before. If you are adding a common item, like a material or consumable, this will make it so that the little popup that happens the first time you pick up an item, doesn't happen every single time you pick your new item up.

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=== My actor isn't appearing in the game! ===
Make sure the actor's info entry (part 5 of the tutorial) is correct. Formatting is important here. It's also important to make sure your actor's name is valid. If it isn't, the game won't know what to do with it, so it won't create it. For example, weapons need to be named <code>Weapon_[WeaponProfile]_[AnythingElseYouWant]</code>, while armors need to be named <code>Armor_[ThreeDigitNumber]_[AnythingElseYouWant]_[Head/Upper/Lower]</code> (Except <code>Armor_001_Head</code> or <code>Armor_001_G_Head</code> both work, but <code>Armor_001__Head</code> doesn't because it has two underscores between 001 and Head)
=== My weapon/armor actor is appearing in my inventory, but it doesn't equip and disappears if I try to drop it from my inventory! ===
This one's difficult: Something, somewhere, in the actor or in one of the resource files, is broken. It could be just about anything except for the text and flags. Whenever the game encounters something it doesn't expect, it silently fails and doesn't create the actor, but doesn't tell you why. There isn't really any better way to pinpoint what could be causing the issue.
=== My game is crashing when loading the item! ===
Another difficult one, but typically this is because the way you placed the item in the world (which is not covered by this tutorial) was wrong, or, if it's crashing when equipping it (if an item) or when loading it into the world (if it's a field object), it's because the model is broken. Check the model replacement tutorial for info on the "vertex buffers" and what to do about them.
=== My game is crashing after shaders compile! ===
Depending on how many mods you have installed, the number of game data flags your game has can cause it to crash. The game loads all flags into a special section of memory when booting up, and if too many flags are loaded, the game doesn't have enough spare memory to load other things, and crashes. The Wii U version is limited to about 650 more flags than the vanilla game has. We don't know the limit of the Switch version, but we do know that it is much higher, due to the much larger amount of memory the Switch has.
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