Map unit

From ZeldaMods (Breath of the Wild)
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Array of object structures. Must be sorted by HashId[1] because the placement subsystem performs binary searches on the object array in various cases[2].


Array of rail structures. Can only appear in group 0 maps (Static); this section is completely ignored for non-static map units.

Link system

Map objects can be linked to other objects (up to 255 in a single generation group[3]). These links allow implementing custom logic and callbacks (for example, DeadUp signals the destination object when the source object dies).

LinkTags and other tag objects are lightweight actors that are used to link objects together.

Objects that are linked together, either directly or via indirect links, are put into the same generation group and loaded at the same time[check]. If the placement system fails to load an actor, the entire generation group is discarded.


ID Name Description Official description
4 -AxisX - マイナスX軸シグナル
5 -AxisY - マイナスY軸シグナル
6 -AxisZ - マイナスZ軸シグナル
24 AreaCol Area collision (link target is an Area object) エリア(センサ)指定
1 AxisX - X軸シグナル
2 AxisY - Y軸シグナル
3 AxisZ - Z軸シグナル
37 BAndSCs - ボール&ソケットCS
38 BAndSLimitAngYCs - Y角速度制限付ボール&ソケットCS
0 BasicSig Basic signal 基本シグナル
9 BasicSigOnOnly Basic signal [only emits ON signals] オンのみ基本シグナル
14 ChangeAtnSig Signal on Attention change (e.g. picking up a weapon) アテンション変更時シグナル
39 CogWheelCs - 歯車CS
21 CopyWaitRevival Activate links when the revival flag of the CopyWaitRevival target is set (e.g. can be used with LinkTagAnd to trigger basic signals when a chest is opened) 配置自動セーブ継承
15 Create Create a map object. Target objects are not created unless this link is activated. 生成
11 DeadUp Signal on death 死んだらオン
16 Delete Delete a map object. Target objects are created and stay spawned until this link is activated. Note: the corresponding collision is disabled even for objects that have their collision data extracted to separate Static Compound files. 削除
29 DemoMember - デモ参加
32 FixedCs - 固定CS
26 ForSale Links a shop item to its seller (target is the seller NPC). 売り物
19 ForbidAttention Prevent attention (i.e. interacting with an object, for example picking up a weapon) アテンションタイプ変更
18 Freeze Freeze the target object 凍結
7 GimmickSuccess Success signal (used for minigames) ネタ成功シグナル
33 HingeCs - ヒンジCS
12 LifeZero Emit a LifeZero signal when the life of the source object is 0 ライフ0
34 LimitHingeCs - 制限付ヒンジCS
27 ModelBind - モデルバインド
17 MtxCopyCreate - 位置継承生成
22 OffWaitRevival Reset the revival flag of the target object 配置自動セーブオフ
30 PhysSystemGroup - 物理システムグループ
28 PlacementLOD Replace the source object with the link target object at lower level of details 配置LOD
36 PulleyCs - 滑車CS
40 RackAndPinionCs - ラック&ピニオンCS
23 Recreate - 再生成
41 Reference - 参照
10 Remains Divine Beast signal 遺物シグナル
25 SensorBind - センサバインド
35 SliderCs - スライダーCS
13 Stable - 安定
31 StackLink - スタック
20 SyncLink Put the destination object and any object that is linked to it into the same generation group 生成グループ
8 VelocityControl Velocity control signal 速度制御シグナル

Link tags

LinkTagAnd, LinkTagOr, LinkTagNAnd, LinkTagNOr, LinkTagXOr, LinkTagCount, LinkTagPulse, LinkTagNone are small objects that are used to implement a basic logic system in map units.

AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR LinkTags are boolean operators. They can be used to conditionally set or clear GameData flags, or conditionally spawn objects, trigger other objects, etc. A basic signal is emitted when the LinkTag has been triggered by all of the source links (for LinkTagAnds) or by one of them (for LinkTagOrs), etc.

Count LinkTags are used to increment a GameData flag every time the link tag itself is signalled.

Pulse LinkTags continuously emit a basic signal with a configurable signal duration (PulseLength).

None LinkTags have no effect. They are only used to put different map unit objects into the same placement generation group.

Internally, they are all implemented by the same actor class (LinkTag) since they share most of their core functionality, with only small differences in effects. A single link tag can only handle 0x60 incoming links[4].

Parameters are documented in AIDef:Action/LinkTagBaseAction.

File formats

Map unit binary

In Breath of the Wild, map units are stored in a binary format and given the mubin (Map Unit Binary) file extension. All map object IDs are replaced with CRC32 hashes as a space optimisation. BYML is used as the serialisation format.

Source map unit

Source map units have muunt[5] as their file extension and use strings for map object IDs such as F-5_challenge.muunt/obj760 instead of CRC32 hashes of the IDs in map unit binaries.

  1. Technically, sorting is only required for Dynamic (non-group 0) map units. However, not sorting causes the game to fall back to a slower linear search.
  2. 0x7101256E14
  3. "一つの生成グループに 255 以上のアクタが指定されています。テストで無ければプログラマに相談"
  4. 0x7100D388C4
  5. The executable has remnants of error logging functions that print paths to development map units of the following type: Map/Project/%s/Data/%s/%s.muunt