Bas: Difference between revisions

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Line 670: Line 670:
*7 - Call AS. Passes the strRef to the ASList to retrieve an AS file and starts evaluating it from Element0.
*7 - Call AS. Passes the strRef to the ASList to retrieve an AS file and starts evaluating it from Element0.
*28 - Play audio. Only observed with PV%03d as the value, which corresponds to bfwav files in PlayerVoice.bars, but is believed to be able to play other audio files as well.
*28 - Play audio. Only observed with PV%03d as the value, which corresponds to bfwav files in PlayerVoice.bars, but is believed to be able to play other audio files as well.
*70 - Triggers end of animation.


Revision as of 09:38, 16 August 2020

bas files each represent an animation that can be called by an actor or cutscene. They contain a reference to an animation name, but not the animation file itself. They can be found at Actor/AS/{EventName}/{AnimationSequenceName}.bas in beventpacks and TitleBG.pack/Actor/AS, and Actor/AS/{AnimationSequenceName}.bas in bactorpacks.


Each bas file is made up of one list of elements, named Elements. Each element (Element0, Element1, etc) can be either a test to figure out what animation to play, or a call to play the animation.


All nodes have Parameters, which determine what kind of node they are. They can be a control node, which helps decide which animation to play, or an animation node, which actually plays the animation.

Key Key Type Description Node Type Default value
TypeIndex int Type of node the Element is. Known types are listed below the table. - -
NoSync bool - Control -
JudgeOnce bool Tells the game to skip evaluating this node (and use the previous result) if the input value has not changed since the last time the node was run. Control False
InputLimit float - Control -
FileName str64 Name of the animation to play Animation -
Morph int Time to blend the previous animation into this one. (Whether this is in milliseconds or frames is currently unknown) Animation -

Parameter TypeIndex

Nodes with Blender are generally used to perform the same checks as those with Selector in the name, with a key difference: Blender nodes may evaluate multiple cases as true, and will blend the resulting animations together. Selector nodes will choose only the first case that evaluates to true.[check]

Index Name [1] Description Type
0 AbsTemperatureBlender Current world temperature. Evaluated by float range. Control
1 AbsTemperatureSelector Current world temperature. Evaluated by float range. Control
2 ArmorSelector What armor is currently equipped. Only observed working values are NoUpper, NoLower, NoAll.[2] Believed to work with armor actor names.[check] Control
3 ArrowSelector - -
4 AttentionSelector - -
5 BoneBlender - -
6 BoneVisibilityAsset - -
7 BoolSelector Boolean evaluator - See #BitIndex[3][4][5] Control
8 ButtonSelector - -
9 ChargeSelector - -
10 ClearMatAnmAsset - -
11 ComboSelector - -
12 DiffAngleYBlender - -
13 DiffAngleYSelector - -
14 DirectionAngleBlender Compares to the movement analog stick's current orientation, in degrees, in counter-clockwise fashion. Accepts -359 to 360. (e.g. 270 and -90 both point directly to the right). Evaluated by float range. Control
15 DirectionAngleSelector Compares to the movement analog stick's current orientation, in degrees, in counter-clockwise fashion. Accepts -359 to 360. (e.g. 270 and -90 both point directly to the right). Evaluated by float range. Control
16 DistanceBlender Compares distance between Link and his current locked target[6]. Evaluated by float range. Control
17 DistanceSelector Compares distance between Link and his current locked target. Evaluated by float range. Control
18 DungeonClearSelector - -
19 DungeonNumberSelector - -
20 EmotionSelector - -
21 EventFlagSelector - -
22 EyeSelector - -
23 EyebrowSelector - -
24 FaceEmotionSelector - -
25 FootBLLifeSelector - -
26 FootBRLifeSelector - -
27 FootFLLifeSelector - -
28 FootFRLifeSelector - -
29 ForwardBentBlender - -
30 ForwardBentSelector - -
31 GearSelector - -
32 GenerationSelector - -
33 GrabTypeSelector - -
34 GroundNormalBlender - -
35 GroundNormalSelector - -
36 GroundNormalSideBlender - -
37 GroundNormalSideSelector - -
38 MaskSelector - -
39 MatVisibilityAsset - -
40 MouthSelector - -
41 NoAnmAsset Play no animation. Used to cancel evaluation. Animation
42 NoLoopStickAngleBlender - -
43 NoLoopStickAngleSelector - -
44 NodePosSelector Compares name of a bone, takes StrRef of the bone name. Unknown how it decides which bone name to compare the StrRef to.[7] Can be paired with an axis name (e.g. Toe_L,Z) to measure value on that axis. When used in this way, the node chooses the child corresponding to the highest value among those measured.[8] When no axis name is given, the vector to the origin is measured. [check] Control
45 PersonalitySelector - -
46 PostureSelector - -
47 PreASSelector Compares last played animation name, takes StrRef of animation name. Known to accept two Children to test against, plus a default case, but might accept more or less. Control
48 PreExclusionRandomSelector - -
49 RandomSelector Picks a random node from the given nodes.[check] Control
50 RideSelector Compares the profile of the mount the actor is currently riding. Known to accept one Child, plus a default case, but might accept more or less.[check] Control
51 RightStickAngleBlender - -
52 RightStickAngleSelector - -
53 RightStickValueBlender - -
54 RightStickValueSelector - -
55 RightStickXBlender - -
56 RightStickXSelector - -
57 RightStickYBlender - -
58 RightStickYSelector - -
59 SelfHeightSelector - -
60 SelfWeightSelector - -
61 SequencePlayContainer Float comparison - Unknown[9] Control
62 ShaderParamAsset Plays material animation, takes StrRef of the animation name. Its Extend uses a secondary animation name for unknown purpose.[10][11] Animation
63 ShaderParamColorAsset - -
64 ShaderParamTexSRTAsset Plays texture transform animation, takes StrRef of the animation name. Animation
65 SizeBlender - -
66 SizeSelector - -
67 SkeltalAsset Plays model animation, takes StrRef of the animation name. Animation
68 SpeedBlender Compares actor's current movement speed. Evaluated by float range. Control
69 SpeedSelector Compares actor's current movement speed. Evaluated by float range. Control
70 StickAngleBlender Compares the movement analog stick's current orientation, in degrees, in counter-clockwise fashion. Accepts -359 to 360. (e.g. 270 and -90 both point directly to the right). Evaluated by float range. Control
71 StickAngleSelector Compares the movement analog stick's current orientation, in degrees, in counter-clockwise fashion. Accepts -359 to 360. (e.g. 270 and -90 both point directly to the right). Evaluated by float range. Control
72 StickValueBlender Range evaluation - Unknown[12] Control
73 StickValueSelector - -
74 StickXBlender Compares the movement analog stick's current horizontal position, as a float value. Fully left is -1.0, fully right is 1.0. Control
75 StickXSelector Compares the movement analog stick's current horizontal position, as a float value. Fully left is -1.0, fully right is 1.0. Control
76 StickYBlender Compares the movement analog stick's current vertical position, as a float value. Fully down is -1.0, fully up is 1.0. Control
77 StickYSelector Compares the movement analog stick's current vertical position, as a float value. Fully down is -1.0, fully up is 1.0. Control
78 StressBlender - -
79 StressSelector - -
80 SyncPlayContainer Synchronously plays multiple child elements Animation
81 TemperatureBlender - -
82 TemperatureSelector Range evaluation - Unknown[13] Control
83 TexturePatternAsset - -
84 TimeSelector - -
85 TiredBlender - -
86 TiredSelector - -
87 UseItemSelector - -
88 UserAngle2Blender - -
89 UserAngle2Selector - -
90 UserAngleBlender - -
91 UserAngleSelector - -
92 UserSpeedBlender - -
93 UserSpeedSelector - -
94 VariationSelector - -
95 WallAngleBlender - -
96 WallAngleSelector - -
97 WeaponDetailSelector Compares actor's equipped weapon subtype (from its bgparamlist [ProfileUser] WeaponSubtype value), takes StrRef of weapon subtype name Control
98 WeaponSelector Compares actor's equipped weapon profile (from its bxml ProfileUser value), takes StrRef of weapon profile name Control
99 WeatherSelector - -
100 WeightBlender - -
101 WeightSelector - -
102 WindVelocityBlender - -
103 YSpeedBlender - -
104 YSpeedSelector - -
105 ZEx00ExposureBlender - -
106 ZEx00ExposureSelector - -


Control nodes will have Children, in addition to Parameters, which determine which Element to go to after the control node is evaluated. The properties of Children will be named Child0, Child1, etc, and each will have a single integer value, which will correspond to the Element number. e.g. Child0: 7 points to Element7.


All nodes have an Extend, which contains specific details about the node. Control node Extends will contain details about the comparison being performed, while animation nodes will contain information about the animation being played, such as: during which frames of the animation a weapon will deal damage if it hits something, when user input is ignored, when to draw weapon trails through the air for attack animations, etc.

Typed Array

A list of variables of a given type to use for various control comparisons. Corresponds directly to the Children of the node. i.e. if Value0 matches the value being compared against, the code will jump to the Element listed under Child0. If no comparison of a lower Child number has evaluated as true, automatically evaluates a Child whose value is "default" as true.[14][15]


Used with BoolSelector Parameters. Also has TypeIndex, which are used to perform the check.

  • 2 - Unknown (believed to check if Link has any armor equipped)[4]
  • 30 - Whether or not Link has a shield equipped.[3]
  • 33 - Unknown[5]
  • 37 - Whether IsBlunt is set to true in the equipped weapon’s bgparamlist
  • 46 - Unknown (believed to check if Link is crouched)


Used with control nodes that perform a Range evaluation. If the value being compared is above the Start value and below the End value, evaluates as true. Otherwise, moves on to the next value. (Unknown what happens if none of the Ranges evaluate to true, presumably game crash)


Used with animation nodes. The node itself is required, even if it is empty (i.e. none of the keys are specified)

Key Type Description Default value
Rate float Speed at which to play the animation. Higher numbers are faster. 1.0
EndFrame int - -


Used with Parameter TypeIndex 67. Possibly used with other animation node TypeIndexes, but none have so far been observed. Events which are triggered during this animation.

Key Type Description Default value
TypeIndex int Which type of event to fire. Known events are detailed below -
Frame int Which frame to fire the event on, relative to the frame numbers of the animation. Can be negative. -
Value strRef - -

Known TypeIndex values:

  • 0 - Unknown (believed to define when an attack begins to deal damage)[16]
  • 4 - Triggers the animation controller to transition back into the idle stance. The Frame value should be a few before the end of the actual animation, so that the controller can make the blending look natural.[17]
  • 7 - Call AS. Passes the strRef to the ASList to retrieve an AS file and starts evaluating it from Element0.
  • 28 - Play audio. Only observed with PV%03d as the value, which corresponds to bfwav files in PlayerVoice.bars, but is believed to be able to play other audio files as well.


Used with Parameter TypeIndex 67. Possibly used with other animation node TypeIndexes, but none have so far been observed. States that are entered into while the animation is playing.

Key Type Description Default value
TypeIndex int Which type of event to fire. Known events are detailed below -
StartFrame int Which frame to start the event on, relative to the frame numbers of the animation. Unknown if it can be negative. -
EndFrame int Which frame to end the event on, relative to the frame numbers of the animation. A value of -1 is treated as the ending frame of the animation. -
Value strRef - -

Known TypeIndex values:

  • 0 - Unknown
  • 2 - Unknown
  • 3 - Defines when an attack will deal damage. Value is the damage type. Left: slashing. Stab: piercing. Lower: blunt. [check]
  • 17 - Unknown
  • 25 - Unknown
  • 45 - Defines when to accept input to start the next attack.
  • 48 - Defines when to display the trails in the air during an attack.


  1. TypeIndex function table in the 1.5.0 executable
  2. Element32 of Player_Wait.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Element1 of Player_CutNinja.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Element0 of Player_FaceDefault.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Element2 of Player_FaceDefault.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  6. Element2 of Player_CutNinja.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  7. Element0 of Player_LadderJump.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  8. Element8 of UZ_M_Move_End.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  9. Element0 of Player_Move.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  10. Element1 of Player_SkinColor.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  11. Element2 of Player_SkinColor.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  12. Element0 of Player_SwimAtnMove.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  13. Element1 of Player_FaceDefault.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  14. Element0 of Player_CutNinja.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  15. Element3 of Player_FaceDefault.bas, WiiU 1.5.0
  16. Compare Event0 of TriggerEvents and Event0 of HoldEvents for most of Link's attack animations
  17. Compare TriggerEvent TypeIndex 4 Frame value for an animation with the number of frames in the actual animation.