MediaWiki:Gadget-ReferenceTooltips.js and Help:Creating mods: Difference between pages

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// See [[mw:Reference Tooltips]]
Welcome, modders! This page is intended to be a collection of useful information for anybody who wants to create mods. If you want to simply use other people's mods, see [[Help:Playing with mods]].
// Source

$( function () {
== Getting set up ==
var settings, settingsString, $footer, enabled, delay, isTouchscreen, settingsMenu;
To make mods, you'll need to start by dumping the unedited game files from your copy of BotW.
* [[Help:Playing with mods#Wii U/Cemu|Dumping the game files (Wii U)]]
* [[Help:Dumping games|Dumping the game files (Switch)]]

if ( ) {
== Files, Tools and Tutorials ==
Since BotW uses a lot of Nintendo's own file formats, you'll need tools to be able to edit them. To use leoetlino's tools, you need to install the latest version of Python (64 bit version), and tick the "Add to PATH" / "Add to environment variables" box in the installer. Then, to install the tool, run <code>pip install TOOL_NAME</code> in the command line.

function toggleRT( enable ) {
If you're not sure which tool to use on a file, search for its extension on this wiki to find what file format that extension is used for.
mw.loader.using( 'jquery.cookie', function () {
$.cookie( 'RTsettings', ( enable ? '1' : '0' ) + '|' + settings[ 1 ] + '|' + settings[ 2 ], { path: '/', expires: 90 } );
} );

// Make sure we are in article, project, or help namespace
=== Yaz0 compression ===
if ( [ '', 'Project', 'Help', 'Draft' ].indexOf( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) ) > -1 ) {
Many files in the game are compressed with [[Yaz0]] compression. Compressed files generally have the letter <code>s</code> prefixed to their file extension. To decompress and recompress these files, use '''wszst''' (install with <code>pip install wszst-yaz0</code>).
mw.messages.set( {
* <code>wszst decompress INPUT_FILE.sbactorpack OUTPUT_FILE.bactorpack</code>
'RT-enable': 'Enable Reference Tooltips',
* <code>wszst compress INPUT_FILE.bfres OUTPUT_FILE.sbfres</code>
'RT-disable': 'Disable Reference Tooltips',
'RT-disablenote': 'Once disabled, Reference Tooltips can be re-enabled using a link in the footer of the page.',
'RT-delay': 'Delay before the tooltip appears (in milliseconds): ',
'RT-activationmethod': 'Tooltip is activated by:',
'RT-hovering': 'hovering',
'RT-clicking': 'clicking',
'RT-options': 'Reference Tooltips options',
'RT-options-save': 'Save settings',
'RT-settings': 'Tooltip settings'
} );
settingsString = document.cookie.split( 'RTsettings=' )[ 1 ];
if ( settingsString ) {
settings = settingsString.split( ';' )[ 0 ].split( '%7C' );
enabled = !!+settings[ 0 ];
delay = +settings[ 1 ];
isTouchscreen = !!+settings[ 2 ];
} else {
enabled = true;
delay = 200;
isTouchscreen = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
if ( !enabled ) {
$footer = $( '#footer-places, #f-list' );
if ( !$footer.length ) {
$footer = $( '#footer li' ).parent();
$footer.append( $( '<li>' ).append(
$( '<a>' )
.text( mw.msg( 'RT-enable' ) )
.attr( 'href', '' )
.on( 'click', function ( e ) {
toggleRT( true );
} )
) );

$( '.reference' ).each( function () {
=== SARC archives ===
var tooltipNode, hideTimer, showTimer, checkFlip = false;
[[SARC]] archives contain collections of other files and folders, like .zip folders. Unpack, edit and re-pack them with leoetlino's [ <code>sarc</code> tool]. This tool automatically decompresses Yaz0-encoded archives, and re-compresses them when you repack if the extension starts with an <code>s</code>.
function findRef( h ) {
* <code>sarc extract INPUT_FILE.pack</code>
h = h.firstChild; h = h && h.getAttribute && h.getAttribute( 'href' ); h = h && h.split( '#' ); h = h && h[ 1 ];
* <code>sarc create [-b] INPUT_FOLDER OUTPUT_FILE.sbactorpack</code> (Use <code>-b</code>for Wii U only).
h = h && document.getElementById( h );
h = h && h.nodeName === 'LI' && h;
=== BYML files ===
return h;
[[BYML]] files contain game parameters. Convert them to an editable format (and back) with leoetlino's [ <code>byml</code> tool]. This tool automatically decompresses Yaz0-encoded files, and re-compresses them if the extension starts with an <code>s</code>.
* <code>byml_to_yml INPUT_FILE.byml OUTPUT_FILE.yml</code>
function hide( refLink ) {
* <code>yml_to_byml [-b] INPUT_FILE.yml OUTPUT_FILE.sbyml</code> (Use <code>-b</code> for Wii U only).
if ( tooltipNode && tooltipNode.parentNode === document.body ) {
hideTimer = setTimeout( function () {
=== AAMP files ===
$( tooltipNode ).animate( { opacity: 0 }, 100, function () { document.body.removeChild( tooltipNode ); } );
[[AAMP]] files also contain game parameters. Convert them to an editable format (and back) with leoetlino's [ <code>aamp</code> tool]. Unlike most other files, AAMP files are exactly the same on both Wii U and Switch.
}, isTouchscreen ? 16 : 100 );
* <code>aamp_to_yml INPUT_FILE.bxml OUTPUT_FILE.yml</code>
} else {
* <code>yml_to_aamp INPUT_FILE.yml OUTPUT_FILE.bgparamlist</code>
$( findRef( refLink ) ).removeClass( 'RTTarget' );
=== BFRES files ===
[[BFRES]] files contain the game's models and textures. Tutorials on how to edit these for Wii U can be found in [ Fooni's Tutorials].
function show() {
* <code>.sbfres</code> files contain models.
if ( !tooltipNode.parentNode || tooltipNode.parentNode.nodeType === 11 ) {
* <code>.Tex1.sbfres</code> files contain textures (Wii U).
document.body.appendChild( tooltipNode );
* <code>.Tex2.sbfres</code> files contain mipmaps for textures (Wii U). Since we can't edit these on Wii U yet, they need to be disabled.
checkFlip = true;
* <code>.Tex.sbfres</code> files contain both textures and mipmaps (Switch). Unlike on Wii U, mipmaps don't cause any problems here.
$( tooltipNode ).stop().animate( { opacity: 1 }, 100 );
== Rules ==
clearTimeout( hideTimer );
=== The RSTB file ===
function openSettingsMenu() {
The file [[ResourceSizeTable.product.rsizetable]] (referred to as the RSTB file) contains a list of size limits for almost every file in the game (calculated from the non-Yaz0-compressed file sizes). If you edit a file to make its filesize bigger, you'll need to edit this file to prevent errors. For details, see [[Help:Editing the RSTB]].
if ( settingsMenu ) {
settingsMenu.dialog( 'open' );
=== File names and caching ===
} else {
The game assumes that any 2 files with the exact same filename also have the exact same contents. If you don't follow this rule when editing files, the game might load the wrong version of the file, leading to errors.
settingsMenu = $( '<form>' )
$( '<button>' )
.css( 'width', '100%' )
.text( mw.msg( 'RT-disable', mw.user ) )
.on( 'click', function ( e ) {
toggleRT( false );
} ),
$( '<br>' ),
$( '<small>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-disablenote' ) ),
$( '<hr>' ),
$( '<label>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-delay' ) ).append( $( '<input>' ).attr( {
type: 'number',
value: delay,
step: 50,
min: 0,
max: 5000
} ) ),
$( '<br>' ),
$( '<span>' ).text( mw.msg( 'RT-activationmethod', mw.user ) ),
$( '<label>' ).append(
$( '<input>' ).attr( {
type: 'radio',
name: 'RTActivate',
checked: !isTouchscreen ? 'checked' : undefined,
disabled: 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement ? 'disabled' : undefined
} ),
mw.msg( 'RT-hovering', mw.user )
$( '<label>' ).append(
$( '<input>' ).attr( {
type: 'radio',
name: 'RTActivate',
checked: isTouchscreen ? 'checked' : undefined
} ),
mw.msg( 'RT-clicking', mw.user )
.submit( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } )
.dialog( {
modal: true,
width: 500,
title: mw.msg( 'RT-options' ),
buttons: [ {
text: mw.msg( 'RT-options-save', mw.user ),
click: function () {
var inputs = this.getElementsByTagName( 'input' ),
newDelay = +inputs[ 0 ].value;
$.cookie( 'RTsettings',
'1|' +
( newDelay > -1 && newDelay < 5001 ? newDelay : delay ) +
'|' +
// hover/click
( inputs[ 1 ].checked ? '0' : '1' ),
{ path: '/', expires: 90 }
} ]
} );
function onStartEvent( e ) {
var onBodyClick, self = this;
if ( ) {
if ( isTouchscreen ) {
if ( !( tooltipNode && tooltipNode.parentNode === document.body ) ) {
onBodyClick = function ( e ) {
e =;
for ( ; e && !$( e ).hasClass( 'referencetooltip' ); ) { e = e.parentNode; }
if ( !e ) {
clearTimeout( showTimer );
hide( self );
$( document.body ).off( 'click touchstart', onBodyClick );
setTimeout( function () {
$( document.body ).on( 'click touchstart', onBodyClick );
} );
if ( hideTimer ) { clearTimeout( hideTimer ); }
if ( showTimer ) { clearTimeout( showTimer ); }
showTimer = setTimeout( function () {
var windowTop, hOffsetTop, c, o, oH,
h = findRef( self );
if ( !h ) { return; }
windowTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
hOffsetTop = $( h ).offset().top;
if ( !isTouchscreen && windowTop < hOffsetTop && windowTop + $( window ).height() > hOffsetTop + h.offsetHeight ) {
$( h ).addClass( 'RTTarget' );
if ( !tooltipNode ) {
tooltipNode = document.createElement( 'ul' );
tooltipNode.className = 'referencetooltip';
c = tooltipNode.appendChild( $( h ).clone( true )[ 0 ] );
try {
if ( c.firstChild.nodeName !== 'A' ) {
while ( c.childNodes[ 1 ].nodeName === 'A' && c.childNodes[ 1 ].getAttribute( 'href' ).indexOf( '#cite_ref-' ) !== -1 ) {
do { c.removeChild( c.childNodes[ 1 ] ); } while ( c.childNodes[ 1 ].nodeValue === ' ' );
} catch ( err ) { mw.log( err ); }
c.removeChild( c.firstChild );
$( tooltipNode.firstChild.insertBefore( document.createElement( 'span' ), tooltipNode.firstChild.firstChild ) ).addClass( 'RTsettings' )
.attr( 'title', mw.msg( 'RT-settings' ) )
.on( 'click', function () {
mw.loader.using( [ 'jquery.cookie', 'jquery.ui.dialog' ], openSettingsMenu );
} );
tooltipNode.appendChild( document.createElement( 'li' ) );
if ( !isTouchscreen ) {
$( tooltipNode ).on( { mouseenter: show, mouseleave: hide } );
o = $( self ).offset();
oH = tooltipNode.offsetHeight;
$( tooltipNode ).css( { top: - oH, left: o.left - 7 } );
if ( tooltipNode.offsetHeight > oH ) { // is it squished against the right side of the page?
$( tooltipNode ).css( { left: 'auto', right: 0 } ); = ( o.left - tooltipNode.offsetLeft ) + 'px';
if ( checkFlip ) {
if ( < tooltipNode.offsetHeight + ( window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop ) ) { // is part of it above the top of the screen?
$( tooltipNode ).addClass( 'RTflipped' ).css( { top: + 12 } );
} else if ( tooltipNode.className === 'referencetooltip RTflipped' ) { // cancel previous
$( tooltipNode ).removeClass( 'RTflipped' );
checkFlip = false;
}, isTouchscreen ? 0 : delay );
function onEndEvent() {
clearTimeout( showTimer ); hide( this );
$( this ).on( isTouchscreen ? { click: onStartEvent } : { mouseenter: onStartEvent, mouseleave: onEndEvent } );
} );
} );