The Great Plateau barrier/zh: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "也就是說,只要林克在主世界跟劍之考驗裡,它的身旁就會有一層無形的結界,直到林克拿到滑翔傘才解除。")
(Created page with "由於這個結界的運作方式太過樸實無華(二話不說直接檢查座標),而且相關的檢查又是寫死在林克的身體裡,我們認為在拿到滑翔...")
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It is a simple, hardcoded, coordinate-based check, and it is embedded in the ''core'' Player actor code, so glitching past it is impossible barring major bugs that would likely leave the game broken and unplayable.

Given that events can be delayed and that the actual voidout is done by a demo/cutscene, it is possible to get Link stuck in the PlayerHellStartWait state indefinitely and technically leave the authorized area without being voided out immediately. However, doing any kind of useful action (walking, gliding, riding a horse, etc.) is still impossible, as the paraglider check is done before handling any other regular state. As soon as Link leaves the waiting state, he will be voided out.
Given that events can be delayed and that the actual voidout is done by a demo/cutscene, it is possible to get Link stuck in the PlayerHellStartWait state indefinitely and technically leave the authorized area without being voided out immediately. However, doing any kind of useful action (walking, gliding, riding a horse, etc.) is still impossible, as the paraglider check is done before handling any other regular state. As soon as Link leaves the waiting state, he will be voided out.