
From ZeldaMods (Breath of the Wild)
Revision as of 23:18, 11 June 2020 by CEObrainz (talk | contribs)
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ShopGameDataInfo.byml (found in Bootup/Gamedata) is a Yaz0-compressed BYML file which contains data pertaining to actors purchasable from NPC Shops. It is used when purchasing items (actors) from a shop to keep track of items that are "Sold Out".


ShopAreaInfo Hashes

ShopAreaInfo Hashes is an array of CRC32 hashes of all Shop actor names. The hashed names are in the format Npc_Name_Actor_Name. This array does not need to be sorted. [check] Similar to tag values, each number is stored as an unsigned int if it is greater than 0x80000000 and as a signed int otherwise.

ShopAreaInfo Values

SoldOutInfo Hashes

SoldOutInfo Values