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'''T'''errain '''sc'''ene '''b'''inary (TSCB) files describe terrain areas layout and terrain materials.
'''T'''errain '''sc'''ene '''b'''inary (TSCB) files describe terrain areas layout and terrain materials.
== TSCB File Specification ==
== TSCB File Specification ==

Revision as of 22:54, 21 September 2018

Terrain scene binary (TSCB) files describe terrain areas layout and terrain materials.

TSCB File Specification


Offset (h) Size Data Type Description
0x00 4 String TSCB file signature (magic) `54 53 43 42` or "TSCB"
0x04 4 Unsigned Int TSCB version? `0A 00 00 00` or ""[1]
0x08 4 Unsigned Int Unknown.
0x0c 4 Unsigned Int file_base table relative offset
0x10 4 Float Unknown 500.0
0x14 4 Float Unknown 800.0
0x18 4 Unsigned Int material_info_array length (number of elements in the array)
0x1c 4 Unsigned Int area_array length (number of elements in the array)
0x20 4 Unsigned Int Probably padding
0x24 4 Unsigned Int Probably padding
0x28 4 Float world_scale used by area_array for tile size
0x2c 4 Unsigned Int Unknown (`00 00 00 08`)

The float values in 0x10 and 0x14 seem to be related to the size of the playable map area. The in game playable map is -5000.0 to 5000.0 along the z-axis and -8000.0 to 8000.0 along the x-axis. While 500.0 and 800.0 do not exactly map to those values, they do seem to be related.

Material Information Array


The material information header is one value, the section size. This includes the index table and the value table.

Offset (h) Size Data Type Description
0x00 4 Unsigned Int Material info section size in bytes

Material Information Array Lookup Table

Following the header is a table of relative offsets to each entry in material_info_array

Offset (h) Size Data Type Description
0x00 4 Unsigned Int Relative offset to array entry

Material Information Value Table

Each entry in the array contains an index and four attributes

Offset (h) Size Data Type Description
0x00 4 Unsigned Int Array index (mat_index)
0x04 4 Float Unknown. values range from 0.03-0.59.
0x08 4 Float Unknown. values range from 0.03-0.59.
0x0c 4 Float Unknown. values range from 0-1.
0x10 4 Float Unknown. values range from 0.2-1.63

Area Array

Area Array Lookup Table

Following the material information section is a table of relative offsets to each entry in area_array

Offset (h) Size Data Type Description
0x00 4 Unsigned Int Relative offset to array entry

Area Array Value Table

Each entry contains meta data for one tile in the terrain scene. There are multiple levels of detail (LOD) for the terrain.

Entries range from 0x30 to 0x54 depending on the size of extra_info_array

Offset (h) Size Data Type Description
0x00 4 Float X Position
0x04 4 Float Z Position
0x08 4 Float Scale?
0x0c 4 Float area_min_height_ground
0x10 4 Float area_max_height_ground
0x14 4 Float area_min_height_water
0x18 4 Float area_max_height_water
0x1c 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Usually 0, 1 or 2
0x20 4 Unsigned Int file_base. Relative offset to file base name string
0x24 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Usually 0.
0x28 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Usually 0.
0x2c 4 Unsigned Int ref_extra. It seems to be a flag to indicate if there is an attached extra_info_array

Extra Information Array

if ref_extra does not equal 0 there is an extra_info_array attached to this area. The array is 4 or 8 values long.

Every area includes a .hght and .mate file. The extra_info_array indicates if there is an additional .water.extm and / or .grass.extm file

Offset (h) Size Data Type Description
0x30 4 Unsigned Int extra_info_array length. Number of elements in array.
0x34 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Usually 20 or 3.
0x38 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Usually 0, 1 or 3.
0x3c 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Usually 0 or 1.
0x40 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Usually 0 or 1.
0x44 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Always 0.
0x48 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Always 3
0x4c 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Usually 0 or 1.
0x50 4 Unsigned Int Unknown. Always 1.
[20, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3, 1, 1] = water, grass
[20, 3, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1] = water, grass
[ 3, 1, 1, 0]             = water
[ 3, 0, 1, 0]             = grass
  1. U-King.elf:0x024D2F8C-0x024D300A holds two error messages: "【データロード】メジャーバージョンの不一致" ("[Data load] Major version mismatch") and "【データロード】マイナーバージョンの不一致" ("[Data Load] Minor version mismatch")