Difficulty scaling/zh: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "如果 scaling 處在打開狀態的話,武器有可能因為經驗值足夠的關係被升到更高級。")
(Created page with "經驗值不夠則維持原升級(不會降級)。")
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如果 [[Difficulty scaling#LevelSensorMode|scaling]] 處在打開狀態的話,武器有可能因為經驗值足夠的關係被升到更高級。
如果 [[Difficulty scaling#LevelSensorMode|scaling]] 處在打開狀態的話,武器有可能因為經驗值足夠的關係被升到更高級。

Otherwise, the weapon will get modifiers from exactly the specified tier.

For example, 0 ('None') doesn't mean a weapon will never receive a modifier. It just means that the developers haven't forced the weapon to spawn with a blue/yellow modifier. If scaling requirements are satisfied, the weapon will receive blue or yellow modifiers.
For example, 0 ('None') doesn't mean a weapon will never receive a modifier. It just means that the developers haven't forced the weapon to spawn with a blue/yellow modifier. If scaling requirements are satisfied, the weapon will receive blue or yellow modifiers.