
From ZeldaMods (Breath of the Wild)
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AI definition
Type Action


Name Type Default value Description
WeaponIdx Int
ShoulderBoneName String
RotOffsetMin Vec3
RotOffsetMax Vec3
BaseTargetPos Vec3
TraceLRAngleMax Float
TraceLRAngleMin Float
TraceDistFar Float
TraceDistNear Float
ASName String
RotSpeed Float
StopSpeedRatio Float
StopRotSpeedRatio Float
RotBaseBoneName String


Name Type Default value Description
TargetPos Vec3

Derived definitions

追跡行動 (ForestGiant_Middle, 片手剣攻撃)

Name Value
WeaponIdx 0
ShoulderBoneName Arm_1_R
RotOffsetMin Vec3(x=-1.570796251296997, y=-1.570796251296997, z=-1.570796251296997)
RotOffsetMax Vec3(x=1.570796251296997, y=1.570796251296997, z=1.570796251296997)
BaseTargetPos Vec3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=9.0)
TraceLRAngleMax 0.349066
TraceLRAngleMin -0.349066
TraceDistFar 9.0
TraceDistNear 7.0
ASName Attack
RotSpeed 0.0523599
StopSpeedRatio 0.1
StopRotSpeedRatio 0.45
RotBaseBoneName Ankle_R

追跡行動 (ForestGiant_Senior, 片手剣攻撃)

Name Value
WeaponIdx 0
ShoulderBoneName Arm_1_R
RotOffsetMin Vec3(x=-1.570796251296997, y=-1.570796251296997, z=-1.570796251296997)
RotOffsetMax Vec3(x=1.570796251296997, y=1.570796251296997, z=1.570796251296997)
BaseTargetPos Vec3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=9.0)
TraceLRAngleMax 0.349066
TraceLRAngleMin -0.349066
TraceDistFar 9.0
TraceDistNear 7.0
ASName Attack
RotSpeed 0.0523599
StopSpeedRatio 0.1
StopRotSpeedRatio 0.45
RotBaseBoneName Ankle_R

追跡行動 (ForestGiant, 片手剣攻撃)

Name Value
WeaponIdx 0
ShoulderBoneName Arm_1_R
RotOffsetMin Vec3(x=-1.570796251296997, y=-1.570796251296997, z=-1.570796251296997)
RotOffsetMax Vec3(x=1.570796251296997, y=1.570796251296997, z=1.570796251296997)
BaseTargetPos Vec3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=9.0)
TraceLRAngleMax 0.349066
TraceLRAngleMin -0.349066
TraceDistFar 9.0
TraceDistNear 7.0
ASName Attack
RotSpeed 0.0523599
StopSpeedRatio 0.1
StopRotSpeedRatio 0.45
RotBaseBoneName Ankle_R

追跡行動 (StalForestGiant, 片手剣攻撃)

Name Value
WeaponIdx 0
ShoulderBoneName Arm_1_R
RotOffsetMin Vec3(x=-1.570796251296997, y=-1.570796251296997, z=-1.570796251296997)
RotOffsetMax Vec3(x=1.570796251296997, y=1.570796251296997, z=1.570796251296997)
BaseTargetPos Vec3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=9.0)
TraceLRAngleMax 0.349066
TraceLRAngleMin -0.349066
TraceDistFar 9.0
TraceDistNear 7.0
ASName Attack
RotSpeed 0.0523599
StopSpeedRatio 0.1
StopRotSpeedRatio 0.45
RotBaseBoneName Ankle_R