Translations:Difficulty scaling/273/zh

下面这些武器在生成的时候会呼叫它的 'scaleWeapon' 函数

  • 单独存在的武器: The actor property 'LevelSensorMode' is higher than 1 and it wasn't already picked up. 设定上可以升级而且还没被捡走
  • 宝箱里的武器: If SharpWeaponJudgeType is not 4, when AIDef:AI/TreasureBox initialises the drop actor. 同样是设定上允许升级
  • 西诺克斯脖子上的武器: The flag {MapName}_Necklace_{i}_{HinoxName}_{ID} is false.
  • 敌人手上的武器: The flag {MapName}_WeaponDrop_{ID} is false, and [the actor property 'LevelSensorMode' is higher than 1 or the enemy is a Guardian Scout ('Enemy_Guardian_Mini' 庙里的守护者)].