
This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Physics/StaticCompound".

If the DLC is installed, this directory can be found in the unpacked content files, and dungeon packs in the add-on content directory. Its canonical path is "Aoc/0010/Physics/StaticCompound".

Contains Havok static compound (hksc) files for maps.



If the DLC is installed, this directory can be found in the unpacked content files in the add-on content directory. Its canonical path is "Aoc/0010/Physics/StaticCompound/AocField/".


This directory is found in shrine packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Physics/StaticCompound/CDungeon/".

If the DLC is installed, this directory can be found in DLC shrine packs (shrine number > 119) in the add-on content directory. Its canonical path is "Aoc/0010/Physics/StaticCompound/CDungeon/".


This directory is found in the unpacked content files.

Its canonical resource path is "Physics/StaticCompound/MainField/".


This directory is found in divine beast packs.

Its canonical resource path is "Physics/StaticCompound/MainFieldDungeon/".

Its DLC canonical path is "Aoc/0010/Physics/StaticCompound/MainFieldDungeon/".