
Revision as of 18:42, 11 September 2018 by imported>Leoetlino

beco is a file format that is used for storing per-coordinate data.


beco files are little endian on Switch and big endian on Wii U.


Offset Type Description
0x0 u32 Magic (0x00112233)
0x4 u32 Number of rows
0x8 u32 Divisor
0xc u32 Padding


Offset Type Description
0x0 u32[num_rows] Offsets to row data, divided by 2 and relative to the start of the row section



Offset Type Description
0x0 u16 Custom data
0x2 u16 Length (X axis)

This structure is repeated until the entire row has been covered by segments. The sum of all segment lengths is equal to the length of the map on the X axis.


Getting the custom data for a given coordinate

At 0x7100E41C40 in Switch 1.5.0:

unsigned int __fastcall eco::getCurrentAreaNum(float posX, float posZ, Ecosystem *ecosystem, EcoMapInfo *info)
  float _x; // s2
  float _z; // s0
  int divisor; // w10
  int numEntries; // w12
  float v8; // s4
  signed int c_x; // w8
  float v10; // s0
  float v11; // s1
  int c_z; // w9
  int idx; // w9
  u32 *v14; // x9
  __int64 v15; // x10
  __int64 v16; // x11
  EcoMapEntry *tables; // x12
  EcoMapEntry *_entryEnd; // x11
  EcoMapEntry *_entry; // x10
  signed int totalLength; // w9
  unsigned int result; // w0

  _x = -5000.0;
  if ( posX >= -5000.0 )
    _x = posX;
    if ( posX > 4999.0 )
      _x = 4999.0;
  _z = -4000.0;
  if ( posZ >= -4000.0 )
    _z = posZ;
    if ( posZ > 4000.0 )
      _z = 4000.0;

  divisor = info->map->divisor;
  numEntries = info->map->numTables - 2;
  if ( (float)(_x + 5000.0) < 0.0 )
    v8 = -0.5;
    v8 = 0.5;
  c_x = (signed int)(float)((float)(_x + 5000.0) + v8);
  v10 = _z + 4000.0;
  if ( v10 < 0.0 )
    v11 = -0.5;
    v11 = 0.5;
  c_z = (signed int)(float)(v10 + v11) / divisor;
  if ( c_z <= numEntries )
    numEntries = (signed int)(float)(v10 + v11) / divisor;
  if ( c_z >= 0 )
    idx = numEntries;
    idx = 0;

  v14 = &info->tableOffsets[idx];
  if ( divisor == 0xA )
    c_x = (0x66666667LL * c_x >> 0x22) + ((unsigned __int64)(0x66666667LL * c_x) >> 0x3F);
  v15 = (signed int)*v14;
  v16 = (signed int)v14[1];
  if ( (signed int)v15 >= (signed int)v16 )
    return 0xFFFFFFFF;

  tables = info->tables;
  _entryEnd = (EcoMapEntry *)((char *)tables + 2 * v16);
  _entry = (EcoMapEntry *)((char *)tables + 2 * v15);
  totalLength = 0;
  result = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  while ( 1 )
    totalLength += _entry->length;
    if ( c_x < totalLength )
    if ( _entry >= _entryEnd )
      return result;
  return _entry->value;