Translations:WorldMgr/10/zh: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "This is called whenever a stage is unloaded (essentially every time the loading screen is shown). 意思是凡是讀檔就會呼叫這個函數。 * Blood Moon checks are dela...")
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=== TimeMgr::reset ===
This is called whenever a stage is unloaded (essentially every time the loading screen is shown). 意思是凡是讀檔就會呼叫這個函數。
This is called whenever a stage is unloaded (essentially every time the loading screen is shown). 意思是凡是讀檔就會呼叫這個函數。
* Blood Moon checks are delayed. 血月相關檢查會被延後。
* 血月相關檢查會被延後。
* The AnimalMaster_Appearance flag is cleared. 山林霸主的 flag 會被設為 false,意思是不要出現。
* 山林霸主的 flag 會被設為 false,意思是不要出現。